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Pitcairn, among the Warrants of Parliament, in the General Register House, in Edinburgh, and were published by him, but without their endorsements, in his ‘Criminal Trials’ in Scotland. . Copies of the letters are also ‘bookit,’ or engrossed, in the Records of Parliament.

And when I looked on the back of his promotion certificates the ones he got for promoting the mine I found by the endorsements that he'd sold every one of them before or during the panic. Do you see? They were street certificates, passing from hand to hand without going to the company for transfer, but every broker that handled them had written down his name as a memorandum of the date and sale.

Nor was this all. In order to make it appear that the depreciated paper, which he had fraudulently substituted for silver, had been received by him in payment of taxes, he had employed a knavish Jew to forge endorsements of names, some real and some imaginary.

Upon one of them, that was not far from his feet, he read the outer endorsements written as such endorsements always are, in almost illegible old English letters "Jonathan Ball, to John Ball, junior Deed of Gift." But, after all, there was nothing more than a coincidence in this.

Friends formed a regular committee to keep a couple of cots going in our hospital, to collect supplies, and sent us to Montreal with introductions and endorsements. Some of these people have since been lifelong helpers of the Labrador Mission. By the time we reached Montreal, our funds were getting low, but Dr.

He had not been gone, and the room empty ten minutes, when the door through which he had seemed to look on that unknown something that dismayed him, opened softly at first a little then a little more then came a knock at it then it opened more, and the dark shape of Charles Nutter, with rigid features and white eye-balls, glided stealthily and crouching into the chamber, and halted at the table, and seemed to read the endorsements of the notices that lay there.

That Fairbanks had obtained money at the banks in considerable amounts on the endorsements of several citizens; and still was owing for two or three crops of wheat and other produce; besides leaving a large board bill unsettled; horse hire, cigar and liquor bills, and hired help unpaid; and with Frisbie had left the town, no doubt, never to return! "What shall I do? Can it be possible?

Alarm of the city of Hamburg The French at Bergdorf Favourable orders issued by Bernadotte Extortions in Prussia False endorsements Exactions of the Dutch Napoleon's concern for his wounded troops Duroc's mission to the King of Prussia Rejection of the Emperor's demands My negotiations at Hamburg Displeasure of the King of Sweden M. Netzel and M. Wetteratedt.

His methods of transacting business were far more expeditious than those of any of his predecessors. President McKinley, in every case, insisted on Senators placing in writing their recommendations for Federal offices; I do not think he ever made an appointment without such written endorsements; but Colonel Roosevelt never bothered much about written endorsements.

After a long pause, Mr Bunsby nodded his head. 'Open? said the Captain. Bunsby nodded again. The Captain accordingly broke the seal, and disclosed to view two folded papers, of which he severally read the endorsements, thus: 'Last Will and Testament of Solomon Gills. 'Letter for Ned Cuttle. Bunsby, with his eye on the coast of Greenland, seemed to listen for the contents.