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When she's not away at school she stays in some big hotel with her fathah, eithah in New York or at some summah resort. He is always so busy there's no one to pay any attention to her but her maid. They are very wealthy, and Eugenia has had the best of everything so long that I'm afraid she'll find the Valley dreadfully poah and poky. I imagine she's stuck up, too.

Presently Bud edged up closer, and put a sympathetic arm around his brother. A moment after, he began to cry. "What you snufflin' for?" asked John Jay savagely. "'Tain't yo' buthday." "But I'm afraid you ain't goin' to have any eithah," sobbed the little fellow, strangely wrought upon by this long silent waiting in the darkness.

The wood collapsed and the dazed land agent found himself sitting on the floor. "I'll get yuh for this, blast yuh!" gasped the major, his bloated face red with rage. "Yo're goin' to get yores, d'ye hear! I've got power here, and yore life ain't worth a cent!" "It's not in the mahket, eithah," the Texan drawled, as he strolled toward the door. At the threshold he paused.

"I'm not going to be cheated out of my share of the wedding, no mattah what a dahk past eithah of you had. Forget it, and come and help us hunt the foah-leaf clovahs that Eugenia wants for the dream-cake boxes." "What are they?" asked Miles Bradford, as he edged out of the pantry after the others.

He stole a sidelong glance at her from under his bushy eyebrows, to see the effect of his remark. She tossed her head defiantly. "I 'low if the choice was left to the 'simmon or you eithah, brer Billy, you'd both take the greenness an' the puckah befo' the fros'bite every time." Then a tone of complaint trembled in her voice.

"Yo're goin' theah with me, and if theah's no law in Midway, I'll see that some laws are passed. And yo' won't need that, eithah!" he added suddenly. The knife that the half-breed had attempted to draw tinkled to the ground as The Kid gave the treacherous wrist a quick twist. "Step along, Blizzahd," sang out Kid Wolf in his Southern drawl.