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While I slept the shadows had lengthened and blended into those soft gray tones of twilight that give mystery to forests of the South. Cautiously I raised my head and, following the tense stare of Smilax, saw the cause of his agitation. Three men were standing on the larger island, at the spot where Efaw Kotee and Jess had stood, and one held a piece of coiled rope tied to a grappling hook.

"You smoke; me cook." "Did you see anything? How far did you go?" I asked, and he answered in the curious way he had of dealing with one question at a time. "No see signs of Efaw Kotee. Long way."

Now we lay it before you and say, 'As citizens of Seattle do justice to the city of Everett and Snohomish County." With these words ringing in their ears the twelve jurors retired for their deliberations, the court having entered an order discharging from further service the two alternate jurors, Efaw and Williams.

Well, our account was closed. But of Efaw Kotee there was no clue. I felt sure he was not among those who escaped, simply because he could not have run so fast; and Smilax was certain he did not follow with the chase. Our gruesome task finished, we turned back.

But I've agreed to forget it, to keep the mutinies stopped for keeps by marrying the girl. You agreed, too. Now you talk of backing out. Is killing too good for you?" "I don't want to, Jess; I don't, honest," Efaw Kotee said, with a whine. "But you see yourself how she is! If we rush the place, day or night, she'll kill herself. Tell me what to do, and I'll do it!"

Hoping to reassure Sylvia, I whispered as Smilax would have spoken: "Me friend; come quick!" Above the confusion we could hear the voice of Efaw Kotee bellowing: "Get the punts, you fools! Which way is she?" "On the mainland," someone yelled. "Then catch her," he bellowed again, with a string of blasphemous oaths. This decided her, and she whispered wildly: "Hurry! Take me where Tachachobee said!"

When she did not come nor answer to my call, I set out to see what might have detained her, conscious of a vague dread yet not seriously giving in to it; but, after visiting the fort, this grew into an unreasoning fear, and I began to run. It seemed so easy now to understand how some of Efaw Kotee's henchmen could have discovered us, slipped up during the night and overpowered her!

Sometime later Tommy, with, a fine show of indifference, said over his demitasse: "By the way, if we land to-morrow this is your last chance to open that treasure box." "Treasure box?" "Yes, the little safe I found tucked down in Efaw Kotee's trunk. Jack and I intended to tackle it to-night, but since he's knocked out I've lost interest."

Assured that Efaw Kotee would never find us here I turned and went to my lean-to to the place my lean-to had been before we moved it beside the spring gathered up my knick-knacks and repaired to the pool, emerging half an hour later a more presentable man. After this I built a small fire of buttonwood and set about preparing breakfast. But this proved to be a perplexing ordeal.

"Good night," she murmured wearily; but her fingers were cold and did not answer the pressure of my own. I had touched Efaw Kotee's hand only a few hours before, and it had been cold with the same inert, mysterious coldness. I shivered. Early next morning Monsieur was taken to the little island, and I felt that his interview would be long and solemn perhaps stormy. I hoped so.