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"And noo it's a' by wi't; it's the end o' the auld ballant," went on the little man. "I've kept auld Doom in times o' rowth and splendour, and noo I'm spared to see't rouped, the laird a dyvour and a nameless wanderer ower the face o' the earth. He's gaun abroad, he tells me, and settles to sit doon aboot Dunkerque in France.

"Well, you dyvour bankrupt," was the first word, "have you brought me my rent?" "No," answered my gudesire, "I have not; but I have brought your honour Sir Robert's receipt for it." "How, sirrah? Sir Robert's receipt! You told me he had not given you one." "Will your honour please to see if that bit line is right?"

'Well, you dyvour bankrupt, was the first word, 'have you brought me my rent? 'No, answered my gudesire, 'I have not; but I have brought your honour Sir Robert's receipt for it. 'Wow, sirrah? Sir Robert's receipt! You told me he had not given you one. 'Will your honour please to see if that bit line is right?

G d, I have gude cause to remember her, said Peter, 'for she turned a dyvour on my hands, the auld besom! and after a' that the law could do to make me satisfied and paid, in the way of poinding and distrenzieing and sae forth, as the law will, she ran awa to the charity workhouse, a matter of twenty punds Scots in my debt it's a great shame and oppression that charity workhouse, taking in bankrupt dyvours that canna, pay their honest creditors.

But when he had let his bile flow, he swore, and said that he could spare a hundred dyvour loons of his command, on the cast of the dice, and, now silence all! not a word or a cry," here he held up his hand, "we are to take 'fortune of war'!" Every man grinned gladly on his neighbour, in dead stillness.