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The Chicago Times said that if Buntline had actually spent four hours in writing that play, it was difficult for any one to see what he had been doing all the time. Buntline, as "Cale Durg," was killed in the second act, after a long temperance speech; and the Inter-Ocean said that it was to be regretted that he had not been killed in the first act. The company, however, was very good, and Mdlle.

Buntline, who was taking the part of "Cale Durg," appeared, and gave me the "cue" to speak "my little piece," but for the life of me I could not remember a single word. Buntline saw I was "stuck," and a happy thought occurred to him. He said as if it were in the play: "Where have you been, Bill? What has kept you so long?" Just then my eye happened to fall on Mr.

'I think it must have been a retriever, John, replied my aunt gravely, yet I thought a waft from her eye stole towards me as she spoke, 'for "Geordie" swears it was a tarrible great savage durg; but it may be, of course, that he had forgotten himself and your exhortations, at the King's Head last night, and mistaken a collie for a retriever. I found it difficult not to smile, for, if my uncle had been 'pulling my aunt's leg' she was certainly twitching his cassock.

Buntline said, 'You must not recite cues; they are for you to speak from the last words of the persons who speak before you. I said, 'Cues be d d; I never heard of anything but a billiard cue. "Well, night came. The house was packed. Up went the curtain. Buntline appeared as Cale Durg, an old Trapper, and at a certain time Jack and I were to come on.

I thinks, 'tis an evil sperrit, sae I set awa like a hare game leg an' aal tearin' towards the park wall like a whippit, followed by the evil sperrit that made no sound wiv his pads, but was growlin' terrible aal the time. 'Then it wasn't a real dog? I interrupted here. 'Wasn't a real durg? replied Geordie indignantly, his eyebrows puckering and his jowl coming forward aggressively.

Buntline had played the part of "Gale Durg," who met death in the second act, and a second paper, commenting on this, suggested that it would have been a happy consummation had the death occurred before the play was written. A third critic pronounced it a drama that might be begun in the middle and played both ways, or played backward, quite as well as the way in which it had been written.

Aa'd heard nowt, but there he was glarin' at us, an' showin' his great ugly fangs. "By gox, Geordie," I says to maaself, "it's a mad durg ye have to fettle." Sae I lets oot wiv a kick that would have shifted a bullock, but aal that happened was that he seemed to catch haud o' my trousers, for I felt them rip. Gox!

My aunt has told me something of her own experience a year ago, and advised me to compare her account with yours, for I am much interested in these occurrences. 'Why, replied he, nothing loth to talk about himself, 'it happened this fashion. Aa wes comin' back through the park cannily enough when close beside the mussulyum oot spangs at us a great ugly brute of a durg wivoot a sound to his pads.

'So it was an evil spirit in the form of a dog, I suggested; 'but what was the precise form mastiff, retriever, or collie perhaps, for the Rector says there is a tale of a ghost of a drowned collie that haunts the Park? 'Collie be damned! cried he decisively. 'An' as for what specie o' durg it was hoo can Aa tell hoo many species there may be in Hell?