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Some one sung out from among ourselves to "dowse the glim." The lights were put out, and then the two officers capsized the whiskey. While this was doing, most of the Englishmen ran up the forward hatch. We Julias all remained below. In less than an hour we were sent on board the enemy's vessels. I was carried to the Royal George, but Mr. Trant was taken on board the Wolfe.

"And as for you, sir, not a stick or shingle shall you have" "If you'll only take the girl, you're welcome to the house, sir," says Mr. James. "Oh, I am, am I? Then, by gad, sir, I'll take both houses, and Sam Dowse's daughter'll live in one, and your mother and I in the other!" "Sam Dowse's daughter?" "Yes, sir, Miss Abby Dowse. Have you any objections?"

For example, he said, some of the most valuable qualities of what is called the judicial genius sensibility, quickness, delicacy are peculiarly feminine. In reply, Serjeant Dowse said: "The argument of the hon. and learned Member, compendiously stated, amounts to this because some judges are old women, therefore all old women are fit to be judges." To my friend Mr.

"Not that I've much time," she went on, as she ground the coffee. "It's gone a quarter to twelve already, and I like fresh air. I don't miss a minute of it. So up you get! Here, dowse your head in this water." Leaning against the table, Maurice drank the cup of black coffee, and considered his companion.

For as I stooped right down, scooping up the water with one hand to bathe my face, I suddenly felt a sharp thrust from a foot on my back, and before I could save myself I was head over heels in the deep water. It was not so deep but that I got my footing directly, and seizing the post at the side tried to struggle out, when amidst shouts of laughter Philip cried: "Give him another dowse.

"Forenoon and afternoon the same course of proceeding was had, expressive of the reverential relation in which the people acknowledged that they stood towards their clergyman. "Such was the account given me by Mrs. Dowse in relation to times previous to my birth, and which I relate as her narrative, and not as part of my recollections.

He tried to caress the child, with a clumsy tenderness, but she stamped her little foot. Outside, they heard the voices of the other children. Miss Dowse was talking to Master Bowdoin of sights in the harbor; but how early is a boy sensible to a child's prettiness! he was asking after Mercedes. It was now Miss Dolly's turn to bite her lip. "She's in the cabin, crying because she has no gloves."

"Time's up," said one of the men, turning suddenly towards his companions, and allowing the light of a dark lantern to fall on the face of a watch which he held in his hand. "Dowse the glim, you lubber," cried the angry voice of Long Orrick, "and keep a sharp look-out for the signal.

He had wild thoughts of trying to buy gloves at Nahant. He listened to hear if his child was merry again. She was laughing loudly, and pointing out the white column of Boston Light. "That is the way to sea!" she cried. "I came in that way from sea." The other children had crept about her, interested. Even Miss Dowse had come over, and was standing with them. "Did your father take you to sea?"

The "Bruiser," with a happy smile on his face, surveyed the scene, sniffing with joy the smell of the land as it came fresh and sweet from the hills at the back of the town. There was only one thing wanting to complete his happiness the skipper. "Where's the cap'n?" he demanded of Dowse, who was methodically coiling a line. "Just gone 'ome," replied Dowse shortly.