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Jennings seemed to fit them all, a woman, not young, not too stout, agreeable and human. She was a large, almost bovinely placid person, not at all reminiscent of Anna. She was neat where Anna had been disorderly, well dressed and breezy against Anna's dowdiness and sharpness. Peter, having totaled the score, rose and looked down at McLean. "You're a nice lad," he said, smiling.

At the door he learned that mademoiselle was that very day returned and was at home. So he went in to the drawing-room, reserving his visit to old David until later. He found the room divided into two camps. At one side Mrs. Benham conversed in melancholic monotones with two elderly French ladies who were clad in depressing black of a dowdiness surpassed only in English provincial towns.

Perhaps Wesley she ventured to call him Wesley in her joyously confused thoughts perhaps Wesley would walk home with her as on other occasions not long past. Jim, she reflected, could go with Ellen. Then all at once she came upon Lydia Orr, in her simple white dress, made with an elegant simplicity which convicted every girl in the room of dowdiness.

They had made me free of their ideal little rooms, full of books and pictures, and clean of the antimacassar taint; they had shown me their chapel, high, hushed; and faintly scented, beautiful with a strange new beauty born both of what it had and what it had not that too familiar dowdiness of common places of worship.

But if they dressed like dolls in tightly-fitting gowns of home manufacture, and exhibited outrageous combinations of crude colors upon their persons, their husbands availed themselves of the artist's privilege and dressed as they pleased, and curious it was to see the provincial dowdiness of the pair.

"What is the alternative, dear?" "Why, nothing self-respect, dowdiness, and peace." "Is that all?" "All I can see." "Not Stephen Siward?" "To marry? No. To enjoy, yes. … Grace, I have had such a good time with him; you don't know!

And it's always the poor, impressionable New Yorker who says it, the fellow who has to put up with the depressing homeliness and dowdiness of Fifth Avenue. Give us a rest, Charley." "Have you got a baseball team there?" demanded Jeff sarcastically. "Sure! A peach, too. We're leading the league." "What league?" "The Peewee Valley League, of course.

Her hair was not smooth, her hands were not especially clean; she had that dull carelessness, or unconsciousness of personal appearance, which seemed to Hope only the parlor aspect of the dowdiness that had run entirely to seed in the sloppy servant girl upon the area steps. Hope Wayne put out her hand, which Fanny listlessly took.

Nor is there the slightest need that this kind of dressing involve "dowdiness," or "slouchiness," a characteristic abhorrent to every true woman. Every woman expresses her character in her dress; and where "slouchiness" exists, it means something more than comfortable dressing. It means a lack of neatness and order, a want in the ideas of suitability.

I don't recall anything in Holy Writ that seems to require dowdiness as necessary to salvation. If one's got money it's fortunate if money's got one that's different. Which is my platitudinous way of agreeing with the last postscript of your letter. I know you're getting to look at things properly again.