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Orr, with twenty men, remained here to hold it and prevent others from crossing, while Macpherson, with fifty, ran up the hill and fell upon the rear of the confused masses of cavalry, who were striving in vain to break the lines of Archie's spears.

To the House of Representatives: In compliance with the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 3d of February, 1858, I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of War, with all papers and correspondence so far as the same is afforded by the files of the Department. WASHINGTON CITY, May 13, 1858. Hon. James L. Orr, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

But Orr was a doomed man the government had decreed his death before hand; and in this case, as in every other, the bloodthirsty agents of the crown did not look in vain for Irishmen to co-operate with them in their infamy. At six o'clock in the evening the jury retired to consider their verdict.

"Great Scott!" exclaimed Jim Dodge; "this is no place for me! Good night, Miss Orr!" She laid her hand in his. "You can trust me," he said briefly, and became on the instant a flitting shadow among the lilac bushes, lightly vaulting over the fence and mingling with the darker shadows beyond. "Now, Henry," said Mrs.

She attempted to set up a boarding-house." Mrs. Orr, who was quite rich, had attempted no such thing. She had taken the boy out of charity, and without a thought of being unconstitutional. But in had come this officious "Limpet" and upset the headmaster, and she was scolded, and Mrs. Varden was scolded, and Mr. Jackson was scolded, and the boy was scolded and placed with Mr.

There was no response. Again he called, and gave it up. "No use. He's off like the rest of them. Well, I'm not sure I blame him. There must be something wrong. But it beats me!" As he was about to move away the chief turned back and handed Alex a letter. "I overlooked giving it to you when you came in," he explained. "From Jack Orr!" said Alex with pleasure.

It seemed that the prohibition enforcement officers had been unable to locate the infant town. The rough, unrestrained life of the frontier was rife at Ragtown, and Twitter-or-Tweet Orr Tweet gleaned shekels right and left. Jerkline Jo had not seen Al Drummond to speak with him after the fight.

"I've been wanting to see you all day. But there are so few telephones in Brookville it is difficult to get word to people." He eyed her with stubborn resentment. "What I meant to say was that four dollars a day is too much! Don't you know anything about the value of money, Miss Orr?

One afternoon a few days following the affair of the missing cash-box Manager Black appeared in the Hammerton operating room, and after a consultation with the chief operator, called Jack Orr from his wire.

To be sure, Fanny had once stopped to speak to her brother; but when Lydia had hurried hopefully out to greet her it was only to catch a glimpse of the girl's back as she walked quickly away. Jim Dodge had explained, with some awkwardness, that Fanny was in a hurry.... "Well, now, I'll tell you, Miss Orr," Mrs. Dix was saying, as all five women walked slowly toward the house.