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Rose, as she bent over to examine it and then walked away to view it from a distance. "I never saw such icing! How did you do it, girlies?" "Dolly did that," said Dotty. "Only because you were so excited your hand wiggled," said Dolly, who was always placid, whatever happened. "But the filling is Dot's invention, and it's just fine.

"And got your head blown off, dot's vot you does!" exclaimed his horrified friend. "I'll come to that sooner or later any way," was the reply; "but I'm not going to be shot; I'm not such a dunce as that; I mean to take one glance over the logs, and will draw back so quickly that no one will get a chance to shoot me."

They're getting to be as many as Kangaroos." said the animal reflectively, and shook her head. The fourth day of Dot's wanderings in the Bush dawned brightly. The sun arose in a sky all gorgeous in gold and crimson, and flashed upon a world glittering with dewy freshness.

He had never approached me before; I always had to hunt him down. "I said, 'Hello, Alex, how goes it? "'Dis is how choes id, said he, handing me a card. 'Dot's de way id choes mit ev'rypody dis season. "On the card which he handed me and to every traveling man who, came in were these words: 'Don't waste your time on me; I will not buy any goods until I go to market. Alex.

"None of 'em will come anywhere near you." "Dot's it! Dot's it!" cried Hans excitedly. "I vos chump so high like nefer vos, ain't it?" A lad named Lemon was the first to go over the bar, at a height of four feet and two inches. Another cadet followed, going him two inches better. "Now, Hans, see what you can do," said Major Larry. "Vos it mine turn to chump?" "Yes. Are you ready?" "Sure I vos."

"And now for Masie's idea, Mr. Kling." "Oh, dere is someting else, eh? I tought dere vould be ven you puts your two noddles togedder Vell, vot is dot all about, eh?" "She is to have a birthday. She will be eleven years old next Saturday." "By Jeminy, yes, dot's so! I forgot dot, Masie. Yes, it comes on de tventy-fust. Vy you don't tell me before, little Beesvings?"

And it was our fault Susie didn't want to come." "It was a pity," said Mrs. Beauchamp. Her eyes, over Dot's dishevelled head, flew to the doorway, and met those other alert eyes that understood and answered their question. When did a woman in distress ever appeal in vain to the Royal Navy? "I'll get my boat out, and be ready in a quarter of an hour," he said.

But for this little rustling sound, and Dot's breathing, all was silent. Yet there were voices in the miller's heart which made themselves heard well enough. One was the voice of Hope, the other the voice of Love. So next day, when the sun was setting, Tom put on his best clothes, and, taking Dot by the hand, walked towards Brooks's cottage.

Dot's conduct, proving her to be the same loyal, loving little wife she always was: to the exquisite satisfaction of the honest carrier, his family and friends, and last but not least, Miss Slowboy, who wept copiously for joy, and wishing to include her young charge in the general interchange of congratulations, handed round the baby to everybody in succession, as if it were something to eat or drink.

It was very drowsy, having slept heavily on Dot's warm little body; so it went slowly towards the bush, to get some frogs or birds for breakfast. But as it wriggled into the warm morning sunlight outside, Dot saw a sight that made her clap her hands together with anxiety for the life of the jolly Kookooburra.