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Strange to say, he had been instructed from London to look out for just such a coup on the part of the heirs. Not that the marriage could be legally established, but that it might create a complication worth avoiding. He could not help looking from Lady Deppingham to Bobby Browne, a calculating gleam in his grey eyes. How very dangerous she could be!

He lived with them in this house for ten months. No one ever slept in this end of the building. It's strange that the servants didn't warn you." "The da the confounded servants left us yesterday before we came every mother's son of 'em. There isn't a servant on the place." "What? You don't mean it?" "Are you coming?" called Lady Deppingham from the doorway.

"Come along, Aggy," said her liege lord resignedly. "Let's have a look about the place." Mr. Saunders met them at the grand entrance. He announced that four of the native servants had been found, dead drunk, in the wine cellar. "They can't move, sir. We thought they were dead." "Keep 'em in that condition, for the good Lord's sake," exclaimed Deppingham.

They stood at the edge of and apart from the crowd of curious Moslems, who had moved up in advance of the procession. "A gala day in Aratat," observed the stubby Mr. Britt. "We are to have the whole party over night up at the château. Perhaps the advent of strangers may heal the new breach between Mrs. Browne and Lady Deppingham. They haven't been on speaking terms since day before yesterday.

Bowles, you are most welcome. We were a bit short of able-bodied soldiers. May we count on you and the men who came with you?" "To the end, my lord," said Bowles, almost bursting his jacket by inflation. The others slapped their legs staunchly. "Then, we'll all have breakfast," announced Lord Deppingham. "Mr. Saunders, will you be good enough to conduct the recruits to quarters?"

Deppingham recalled the fact that an hour and a half had been consumed in the accomplishment yesterday. He was keeping a sharp lookout for the magic red jacket and the Tommy Atkins lid. Quite secure from observation, he and his wife watched the forerunners with the hand bags; then came the sweating trunk bearers and then the crated objects in what?

Their haste was significant. "I guess we'd better not tell the women," said Bobby Browne, heaving a deep sigh. "It won't add to their cheerfulness if they hear that a ship has called here." "It couldn't matter in any event," said Deppingham. "We've got to stick here two weeks longer, no matter how many ships call. I'm demmed if I'll funk now, after all these rotten months."

She laughed and understood, but Deppingham was half way out to the yacht before it became clear to him that the Enemy hoped literally, not figuratively. The Enemy sauntered back toward the town, past and through the staring crowd of women. Here and there in the curious throng the face of a Persian or an Egyptian stared at him from among the brown Arabians.

Miss Ruthven, from motives peculiar to the head and not to the heart, set about to earn a title for herself. Three months before the death of Mr. Skaggs she was married to Lord Deppingham, who possessed a title and a country place that rightfully belonged to his creditors. Mr.

It was not until after many weeks had passed, however, that Lady Agnes admitted that Brasilia Browne was a very pretty young woman. "Most American women are, after a fashion," she then confessed to Deppingham, and not grudgingly. "What does Baedeker say about it, Bobby?" asked Mrs. Browne. Her voice was very soft and full the quiet, well-modulated Boston voice and manner.