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They came up close enough to see him distinctly; he wore a shirt and trousers of cheap white cloth and was repeating: "All good Catholics should read this prayer to Christ Our Lord upon the Cross with due devotion. Thus they will be immune from storms and pestilence, famine, and war." "This man's no fool," said Demetrio smiling.

Trailing his spurs noisily over the pavement, Demetrio entered "El Cosmopolita" with Luis Cervantes, Blondie, and his assistants. The civilians, surprised in their attempt to escape, remained where they were. Some feigned to return to their tables to continue drinking and talking; others hesitantly stepped up to present their respects to the commander. "General, so pleased! ... Major!

Without understanding Blondie's words, Demetrio raised his eyes to hers; they gazed at each other like two dogs sniffing one another with distrust. Demetrio could not resist her furiously provocative glances; he was forced to lower his eyes. From their seats, some of Natera's officers began to hurl obscenities at War Paint.

The shrill voice, rising to a shriek or trailing off into a sob, is drowned out by the tumult within the train. "What the hell is the old woman talking about?" Blondie asks, entering in search of a seat. "Something about a suitcase ... and a well-dressed man," Pancracio replies. He has already the laps of two civilians to sit on. Demetrio and the others elbow their way in.

They mowed us down like wheat; only a handful escaped. Those Goddamned officers went white as a sheet; even though we had reinforcements they were afraid to order a new charge. That was when Demetrio Macias plunged in. Did he wait for orders? Not he! He just shouted: "'Come on, boys! Let's go for them! "'Damn fool! I thought. 'What the hell does he think he's doing!

Luis Cervantes asked Demetrio whether the success of the attack might not be better served by procuring a guide or leastways by ascertaining the topographic conditions of the town and the precise location of the soldiers' quarters. "No," Demetrio answered, accompanying his smile with a disdainful gesture, "we'll simply fall on them when they least expect it; that's all there is to it, see?

"There's Camilla at the ranch for instance.... Now, she's not much on looks, I know, but there's a woman I'd like to have......." "Well, General, we'll go and get her any day you like." Demetrio winked maliciously. "I promise you I'll do it." "Are you sure? Do you really mean it? Look here, if you pull that off for me, I'll give you the watch and chain you're hankering after."

Then put your hand on your forehead and say, 'I'm burning up with fever. I'll tell Demetrio to leave us both here, that I'll stay to take care of you, that as soon as you're feeling all right again, we'll catch up with them. But instead of that, I'll see that you get home safe and sound."

"Yes," she answered in a faint voice. She was indeed beginning to "fall for him" as she had expressed it. Demetrio slept badly. He flung out of the house very early. "Something is going to happen to me," he thought. It was a silent dawn, with faint murmurs of joy. A thrush sang timidly in one of the ash trees. The animals in the corral trampled on the refuse. The pig grunted its somnolence.

See him jump! Like a bloody deer." "Don't run, you half-breeds. Come along with you! Come and meet Father Demetrio!" Now it was Demetrio's men who screamed insults. Manteca, his smooth face swollen in exertion, yelled his lungs out. Pancracio roared, the veins and muscles in his neck dilated, his murderous eyes narrowed to two evil slits.