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Commander Whitehouse has made a new delineation of the entire 2,200 miles of coasts, and the results of his survey will be used in making all the maps of the lake. His map in turn will undoubtedly be replaced some day by detailed topographic surveys of the best quality, such as the British already contemplate making of that entire region.

Second, a triangulation corps engaged in extending a system of triangulation over various portions of the country from measured base-lines. Third, a topographic corps, organized into twenty-seven parties, scattered over various portions of the United States. Such, in brief outline, is the plan for the map of the United States, and the organization by which it is to be made. Mr.

Branner, except for various little jobs about the laboratory or office, was a summer's work on a large topographic model of Arkansas which that state was having prepared by Dr. Branner after a new method devised by him. Part of this summer was spent in the field in Arkansas and the rest of it wrestling with the model in the basement of the professor's house.

The Museum of the Luxembourg containing several pictures by modern artists, whose merits he recognized, was frequently visited by us and he admired heartily among others, Rosa Bonheur, Daubigny, Charles Jacque, and especially Troyon, whose works went far to shake his faith in topographic painting, and sowed the first seeds of the French school's influence on his mind.

Sixth, it seemed desirable, partly for scientific reasons and partly for administrative reasons, that a thorough topographic and geologic survey should be made of the Yellowstone Park, and Mr. Arnold Hague is in charge of the work, with a corps of assistants.

Starting then once more with the simple biological formula: ENVIRONMENT ... CONDITIONS ... ORGANISM this has but to be applied and defined by the social geographer to become REGION ... OCCUPATION ... FAMILY-type and Developments which summarises precisely that doctrine of Montesquieu and his successors already insisted on. For Place, it is plain, is no mere topographic site.

The private apartment was itself composed of the apartment of honor, containing a hall of the guards and a first and second drawing-room, and an interior apartment containing a bedroom, a study, an office, and topographic bureau. The ushers had charge of the apartment of honor; the valets de chambre of the other.

"Then," was the good-natured reply, "your prescription for the political regeneration of the South is the same as that which we all laughed at as coming from Horace Greeley immediately upon the downfall of the Confederacy that the Government should send an army of surveyors to the South to lay off the land in sections and quarter-sections, establish parallel roads, and enforce topographic uniformity upon the nation?

The levels or profiles of these roads have been established with reasonable accuracy, and as they cross each other at a multiplicity of points, a system of checks is afforded, so that the railroad surface of the country can be determined therefrom with all the accuracy necessary for the most refined and elaborate topographic maps.

"But, at the outset the reader should dispossess his mind of any preconceived idea that the island of Cuba is in any sense a physical unit. On the contrary, it presents a diversity of topographic, climatic, and cultural features, which, as distributed, divide the island into at least three distinct natural provinces, for convenience termed the eastern, central, and western regions.