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Quivering with a strange excitement he delved deeper, lifting the precious particles by handfuls, feeling of it, sifting it between his fingers, and holding the torch close to the mass to catch the dull glow of it. For a long time he knelt there, wondering at it, dreaming over it, and feeling of it.

Ay, weel, wan day Bowie's man was carryin' a coffin past Donal's door, and Donal an' the wife was there. As we delved up the twisting road between two fields that leads to the farm of Little Rathie, the talk became less general, and another mourner who joined us there was told that the farmer was gone. "We must all fade as a leaf," said Lang Tammas.

He delved into the side pockets of his coat and pulled out two books. "O-o-oh!" breathed Marylyn. "All I had, but maybe you'll like 'em. They're love stories." The shadow beyond the firelight claimed her again. From the lean-to came the sound of Lancaster's voice. It was shrill with anger. A great sadness came over the storekeeper. "I wish I could come down often and look after things," he said.

So for an hour, with fingers and spade, Archie dug and delved among the stones. It was hard work enough, but at last he cleared a place somewhat larger than his small body, which he carpeted with soft mosses brought from another part of the wood. This done, he lay down flat on his back, and looked dreamily up at the pretty green roof made by the juniper boughs overhead.

It must be true, I said, what the geologists tell us, that water and air did all this; but while you look and wait, and while generations before you have looked and waited, all is as quiet and passive as if the slumber of ages wrapped hill and vale. Invisible giants have wrought and delved here of whom we never catch a glimpse, nor shall we, wait and watch we never so long.

But in a few centuries he will forget his folly and we shall not lose furrow-maker. Time out of mind he has delved and my family have got their food from the raw earth behind him. He will not die."

It is more than eighty years since the mind of a Faraday delved so fruitfully into electrical science, yet the oft prophesied large scale direct use of high voltage electricity, or some other form in war has not materialised.

Tennis is still in its infancy. May I have the pleasure to help in rocking the cradle. My task is completed. I have delved into the past, analysed the present, and prophesied the future, with a complete disregard of conventions and traditions. The old order changeth, and I trust that my book may aid slightly in turning the tennis thought in the direction of organized developments.

Leopold had only the light of his lantern to enable him to work, and his task was gloomy enough to satisfy the veriest money-digger that ever delved into the earth for hidden treasure. In half an hour, more or less, he had dug the hole a foot deep, and then felt that he had reduced this part of the beach to its former elevation, at the time of the wreck of the Waldo.

The gentlemen who had refused to wield axe or spade or bricklayer's trowel because of their gentility were shamed by his example. "When Adam delved and Eve span Who was then the gentleman?" he demanded and swung the axe with lusty strokes against some hoary walnut tree.