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Dato in Algieri in nostro regio Palazzo, sigillato del nostro reggio sigillo, e fermato della gran ferma, et scritto del nostro reggio Secretario, il di 23 de Ienaro, 1583. The same in English.

Paulus, iv, 9, 1-9. Gaius, i, 145. Ulpian, Tit., x, 5. Gaius, i, 137. For an example see Pliny, Letters, viii, 18. Cf. Spartianus. Didius Iulianus, 8: filiam suam, potitus imperio, dato patrimonio, emancipaverat. If emancipated children insulted or injured their parents, they lost their independence Codex, 8, 49 , 1. Ulpian, Tit., viii, 7a.

This man was Dâto’ Imâm Prang Indĕra Gâjah Pahang, a title which, being interpreted, meaneth, The War Chief, the Elephant of Pahang. Magnificent and high sounding as was this name, it was found too large a mouthful for everyday use, and to the people of Pahang he was always known by the abbreviated title of To’ Gâjah.

"A foreigner smote him in the mouth, and a great cry arose from without the walls. "The war went on; but day after day did the Governor send a message to the Laksamana in the dungeon. 'Reveal the spot where thy gold is hidden, and thy life and liberty are granted. "Day by day the Dato replied, 'My life is a pollution in the nostrils of Allah. Take it.

Safety-pins and their surprises had to be investigated, and an admiring throng crowded around, marveling at Kali's daring. "Kali!" Piang exclaimed suddenly. "Look!" Seated at a table in front of a Chino café, were three men in earnest conversation: Alverez, a Filipino mestizo, who had acquired by deception the Moro title, Dato Tamangung; his cousin Vincente; and the Moro malcontent, Sicto.

Each of the districts was sub-divided into minor baronies, which were held, on a similar tenure, from the District Chief by a Dâto’ Mûda; and the village communes, of which these baronies were composed, were held in a like manner, and on similar conditions, by the Headmen from the Dâto’ Mûda.

An ear, which appeared to have slipped from the side of the oily head and lodged on a fold of the fat neck, had in reality been neatly carved from its proper place by an enraged slave and poorly replaced by a crude surgeon. A bamboo tube had been inserted in the original ear-drum. "Sicto!" gasped Piang. The mysterious Dato Ynoch, was Sicto, the mestizo.

Raised on two posts at the entrance of the village, was a carcass of a mammoth crocodile, in its opened jaws a human skull. Piang shuddered. He had heard that Dato Ynoch's followers were gathered from among the renegade Dyak pirate head-hunters, who fled to Mindanao from Borneo justice. The human skull confirmed the rumor, for there are no cannibal tribes among the Moros.

Then she spoke: 'If thou lovest me as thou boastest, and would win my smiles, send me to my father; then go and bring me of this gold of Ophir, for the Dato had laid his heart bare before her, enough to sink yon boat. The daughter of a Braganza does not unite herself with a pauper. When the moon is full again, I will expect you. "So did the Laksamana, to the everlasting shame of Islam.

And when the Chinese Government tried to stop it there's the British commercial interests forcing it on them with cannon in 'forty-two. "Look at the pepper we brought into Salem " he was, Laurel realized with intense interest, growing beautifully empurpled; " lay right off the beach at Mukka and did business with the Dato himself.