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When they came to the valley, they found it beautiful exceedingly and passing all degree; and birds on tree sang joyously and the mocking-nightingale trilled out her melody, and the cushat filled with her moan the mansions made by the Deity, And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say, When it was the Six Hundred and Thirtieth Night,

The Till, by whose side we shall next wander, flows in the opposite direction, for that historic stream is a tributary of "Tweed's fair river, broad and deep," and curves from the Cheviots round to the North-west, where it enters the larger stream at Tillmouth. It begins life as the Breamish, tumbling down the slopes of Cushat Law within sight of all the giants of the Cheviot range.

A child presented me with a bunch of cotton-grass, gathered on the moors not far from the Roman-Wall. I asked if she knew what they were that she had brought. "Moss-troopers," she replied. Many of the Cheviot heights bear most suggestive and interesting names, such as Cushat Law, Kelpie Strand, Earl's Seat, Stot Crags, Deer Play, Wether Lair, Bloodybushedge, Monkside, etc., etc.

"Dear friend, my tears aye flow these cheeks adown, * With longsome pain and pine, my sorrow's crown: I plain like keening woman child bereft, * And as night falls like widow dove I groan: An blow the breeze from land where thou cost wone, * I find o'er sunburnt earth sweet coolness blown. Peace be wi' thee, my love, while zephyr breathes, * And cushat flies and turtle makes her moan."

He stood and looked while one might count five, and then without a word or cry rushed up from the water, straight on Ursula, who was riding first of the three lingerers, and in the twinkling of an eye tore her from off her horse; and she was in his grasp as the cushat in the claws of the kite.

The fair equestrian turned away her head at these words; the nobleman watched her a moment, and dropped some coins into the timbrel. "Ha, ha!" cried the tymbestere, pointing her long arm to Sibyll, and springing towards the balcony, "The cushat would mate Above her state, And she flutters her wings round the falcon's beak; But death to the dove Is the falcon's love!

A more descriptive name is that of ringdove, easily explained by the white collar, but the bird is also known as cushat, queest, or even culver.

There has been for him only a vague, dazzling vision of a golden-haired girl in floating white raiment, wafting the fragrance of violets as she moved, and with a voice sweeter than the notes of the cushat dove as she spoke. Now he saw that the golden hair flowed in ringlets around a fair, roseate face, soft and bright with feeling and intelligence.

As we cam' through the scented birks, we saw a trottin' burnie wimplin' 'neath the white-blossomed slaes and hirplin' doon the hillside; an' while a herd-laddie lilted ower the fernie brae, a cushat cooed leesomely doon i' the dale. We pit aff oor shoon, sae blithe were we, kilted oor coats a little aboon the knee, and paidilt i' the burn, gettin' geyan weet the while.

Have we a right, man, to follow our own fantasies and mourn and mourn like cushat doves over the graves of our lost mates while the women we ought to cherish struggle on uncared for?" "Hast put the matter in this light to William White's widow?" asked Standish sarcastically. "Nay," returned Winslow with his usual calm. "Words that suit men are not always for women's ears.