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"It's on the green a-middle of the town, a-standin' by the state-house a long, roughcast house in the corner, three stories high, with two doors; the door next the state-house is his office. Go past the state-house, which has a cupelo onto it, an' you see the jug an' whippin'-post. He's got 'em handy fur you." Levin listened with all his ears.

Did the dock, the tall chimneys, the mist, notice that curious eye up in the "cupelo" looking through the slats and watching them? "Guess I'll go down," said their owner. The mist continued to wrap Seamont all that day and far into the night. Will Somers was preparing to leave Dr. Tilton's store that evening. He had sent off medicine to quiet the last earache in town that had been heard from.

"I wonder if they will ever be open," thought Charlie. He remembered the river view that was possible from the "cupelo" above, and he said, "Guess I'll climb up and see what the weather is." Charlie was not a very experienced weather-observer, but he thought he would like to obtain a wider outlook than the lane window had afforded him.

"Well, boys, what is to be done?" asked the president. Nobody knew. "Let's climb the ladder and all take a look," suggested the secretary. Exceedingly nimble were the legs that went wriggling up the ladder, and very curious eyes were directed toward the depths of the "cupelo," but the only result was a succession of "My!" and "That's so!" and "Too bad!" "I've got it!" shouted Sid.

What shall I tell you? Where is your club?" "Here!" said Sid, looking round in pride. "No; I mean, where do you hold your meetings?" "In my barn," said Charlie. "You go in from the street and go up some stairs. It's up stairs." "You might go up higher," added the governor. "There's a ladder there, so you can get up up in the cupelo, but you wont want to go up there." "Why, that suggests a name.

Through the slats of the "cupelo," one could look upon the river shining gloriously at sunset, as if the sun were a Chinese mandarin that at this hour spread his yellow silk robe upon the river in a vain attempt to warm up the cold waters just from the sea.

There was also a window high up, at one end, well latticed with cobwebs. Then there was a closet, which was splendid for "Hy-spy," and notice! honor upon honor there was a "cupelo," as Charlie called it, on top of the barn.