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But there is no park, and no monument, and no white-haired old poet to give you welcome only a brewery. "Ay, mon, but ain't ut a big un?" protested an Englishman who heard my murmurs. Yes, yes, I must be truthful it is a big brewery, and there are four big bulldogs in the courtway; and there are big vats, and big workmen in big aprons.

It would teach her a lesson and save him from further importunity. So little Mrs. Fry presented the order, and the gates were swung open and the iron quickly snapped behind her. She spoke to the women, addressing the one who seemed to be leader as sister, and asked the others to follow her back into the courtway away from the sound of the street, so they could have prayers. They followed dumbly.

The only thing that tempted me to stay was the fact that the one window was made up of little diamond panes set in a leaden sash, and that this window looked out on a little courtway where a dozen palms and as many ferns grew lush and green in green tubs and where in the center a fountain spurted.

"Confiteor Deo omnipotenti," murmured the priest; and tremblingly one little sister followed the words, "Je confesse a Dieu, tout puissant que j'ai beaucoup peche par pensees c'est ma faute c'est ma faute c'est ma tres grande faute." The organ pealed forth as mass ended, the throng slowly filed out, and the sisters paced through the courtway back into the brown convent walls.

There are the cedars of Lebanon, brought by Crusaders from the East, and the screaming peacocks in the paved courtway: and in the Great Hall are to be seen the sword and accouterments of the fabled Guy, the mace of the "Kingmaker," the helmet of Cromwell, and the armor of Lord Brooke, killed at Litchfield. And that Shakespeare saw these things there is no doubt.

A young fellow by the name of Charles Sumner was going with Phillips, but at the last moment was detained by other business. That his chum could not go was a disappointment to Phillips he paced the stone-paved courtway of the tavern with clouded brow. All around was the bustle of travel, and tearful friends bidding folks good-by, and the romantic rush of stagecoach land.

"Micks," Belle sometimes called them, and sometimes, "Finian Mickies." Up here I had no playmates. From now on, our garden lost its charms. Up the narrow courtway which ran along the side of the house I would slip stealthily to the front gate and often get a good look down the street before Belle sharply called me back.

She saw them turning into the sombre courtway of the old Palazzo Santonini and, so surely had she been attuned to the American note, she could presage Johnny's blunt disparagement. He would be astonished that they were living upon the third floor with the lower apartment let. He would be amused at the servants toiling up the stairs from the kitchens to the dining hall. He would be entertained at the solitary tub. He would be disgusted, undoubtedly, at the candles. .

"The blow was struck for her!" she muttered. "It was that night, you hear that night!" "What night? Thou lookest so strangely! Dost thou love this doomed soldier?" Cigarette laughed a laugh whose echo thrilled horribly through the lonely Moresco courtway. "Love? Love? I hated him, look you! So I said. And I longed for my vengeance. It is come!"

Before I could say another word or strive to detain him, he turned and ran off along a narrow courtway which at this point branched from the street. I stood for a moment, nonplussed, staring after him. By good fortune I had learned more in ten minutes than by the exercise of all my ingenuity and the resources of the Service I could have learned in ten months!