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This second Rodrigo died, a young clerk, in 1527. August 30th of that year the Ferrarese ambassador in Naples, Baldassare da Fino, wrote from Posilipo as follows: Lo Illmo et Rev. Signor Don Rodrico de Casa Borgia, stando in Ciciano, cum la Signora Madama sua matre, sono da 15 giorni che, prima vexato da Febre continua, se ne morse a sheet without any address, in the archives of Modena.

As for the third distinction, of adding to the accidentary parts of it, I remember that I heard in the logics, of pars essentialis or physica, and pars integralis or mathematica; of pars similaris and pars dissimilaris; of pars continua and pars discreta; but of para accidentaria heard I never till now.

Il continua done son chemin, mais comme la fatigue estoit grande, 23 ou 24 hommes qu'il avoit menez jusques la le quitterent tous en une nuit, regagnerent le fleuve, et se sauverent, les uns a la Nouvelle Hollande et les autres a la Nouvelle Angleterre. But how was La Salle employed in the following year? The same memoir has its solution to the problem.

I believe it was not an intermittent, for I took of my own head physick yesterday; and Celsus says, it seems, that if a cathartick be taken the fit will return certo certius. I would bear something rather than Celsus should be detected in an error. But I say it was a febris continua, and had a regular crisis. Piozzi Letters, i. 89.

Its purity is only a relative term, meaning the proportional amount of unverbalized sensation which it still embodies. Far back as we go, the flux, both as a whole and in its parts, is that of things conjunct and separated. The great continua of time, space, and the self envelop everything, betwixt them, and flow together without interfering.

Quand, apres quelques annees, mon pere se maria, Catherine continua son activite dans la maison, mais avec son bon sens naturel, en refera la responsabilite a sa jeune maitresse, qu'elle aimait beaucoup. Ma mere chercha par bien des moyens a la distraire de son chagrin. Elle devint plus gaie, quand elle nous raconta des histoires et fit des jeux avec nous.

The dedication of the Discorsi contains a phrase which recalls Machiavelli's words about the Principe: 'Perche in quello io ho espresso quanto io so, e quanto io ho imparato per una lunga pratica e continua lezione delle cose del mondo. They were probably composed in 1520.

The term Shaking Palsy is evidently inapplicable to the first of these cases, which appears to have belonged more properly to the genus Convulsio, of Cullen, or to Hieranosos of Linnæus and Vogel . Agitatio corporis vel artuum convulsiva continua, chronica, cum integritate sensuum.—Vogel. This genus is resolved by Cullen into that of Convulsio. Synops. Nosol. 1803. Dr.