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Sd. one Continul Plain, on the S. S. Some timber on the bank of the river, for a Short distance back of this timber is a bottom Plain of four or five miles back to the hills and under the hills between them & the river this plain appeared to extend 20 or 30 miles, those Hills have but little timber, and the Plain appears to Continu back of them- I Saw Great quantities of Grapes, Plums, or 2 Kinds wild Cherries of 2 Kinds, Hazelnuts, and Goosberries.

Gasses party and took the water where they pursued it and cought it. they did not See Sergt. Gass or any of his party or learn what further Sucksess they have had. Continu the barks with Bratten, and Commenced them with gibson his feaver being Sufficiently low this morning to permit the use of them. Gass and party arrive; they had killed 8 Elk.

My Child, you may remember, that I ordered you to reserve the one half of the purified Saturn, which take and put into a Stone-pot, pour upon it a bottle or more of distilled Wine-Vinegar, set a head on, distil the Vinegar again from it in a Bath, the head must have a hole at the top to pour fresh Vinegar upon the Matter, and abstract the Vinegar again from it, pour fresh Vinegar again on, and again abstract it, this pouring on, and abstracting or distilling off must continue so long, till the Vinegar be drawn off as strong as it was when it was put in, then is it enough, and the Matter hath in it as much of the Spirit of Vinegar as it can contain; then take the Pot out of the Bath, take off the head, and take the Matter out, and put it into a thick glass which can endure the Fire, set a head on it, put it in a Cuple with Ashes, which set on a Furnace, first make a small Fire, and so continually a little stronger, till your Matter come over as red as Bloud, thick as Oil, and sweet as Sugar, with a Celestial Sent, then keep it in that heat so long as it distils, and when it begins to slack, then increase your Fire till the Glass begin to glow; continu this heat till no more will distil, then let it cool of it self, take the Receiver off, stop it very close with Wax, take the Matter out of the Glass, beat it to powder in an Iron Mortar, with a steel Pestle; and then grind it on a Stone with good distilled Vinegar, put this Matter so ground into a Pot, poure good distilled Vinegar upon it, that two parts be full, set the Pot into a Bath with a head upon it, distil the Vinegar off, poure fresh Vinegar again upon it, distil it off again: thus do so long, that the Vinegar be as strong as it was when it was first poured upon it, then let it cool, take the Matter out of the Bath, take the head off, take the Matter out of the Pot, put it into a stronger round Glass which can endure the Fire, as you did before, set it upon a Furnace in a Cuple with sifted Ashes, set a head on, and a Receiver luted to it, then distil it, first with a small fire, which augment by degrees, till a Matter come over red as Bloud, and thick as Oyl, as aforesaid; give it fire till no more will distil, then let it cool of it self, take off the head, break the glass-pot, and take the Matter out, powder it again, and grind it on a Stone with distilled Vinegar, put it again into the Stone pot, poure fresh Vinegar upon it, set it into the Bath, and its head on, distil the Vinegar from it, poure it on again as hath been taught, till the Vinegar remain strong as it was.

This Creek is Small it "abounds with blumbs of a Delicious flavour" the River is wide and Crouded with Sand bars- it is riseing a little but little timber in this Countrey all that is, is on the river in the points. we Came too on the L. Sin the edge of a Plain an Camped for the night- we Saw Some Signs of the two men Shannon & Colter, Shannon appeared to be a head of Colter- The White banks appear to Continu on both sides of the river.

Lewis 2 Interpeters & 6 men Set out to See the Indians in the different Towns & Camps in this neighbour hood, we Continu to Cover & dob our huts, two Chiefs Came to See me to day one named Wau-ke-res-sa-ra, a Big belley and the first of that nation who has visited us Since we have been here, I gave him a Handkerchef Paint & a Saw band, and the other Some fiew articles, and paid a perticular attention which pleased them verry much, the interpeters being all with Capt.