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Thus far, the work of Steno went little further than that of Colonna, but it fortunately occurred to him to think out the whole subject of the interpretation of fossils, and the result of his meditations was the publication, in 1669, of a little treatise with the very quaint title of "De Solido intra Solidum naturaliter contento."

She possessed deep feeling and correct judgment. Her shake was most beautiful; Signor Pacini's well-known cavatina, "Il soave e bel contento" the peculiar feature of which consisted in the solidity and power of a sudden shake, contrasted with the detached staccato of the first bar was written for Mme. Pasta.

Auiendo entendido de parte de nuestro Agente la mucha aficion, y volontad, que nos teneys, y quanta honta, y fauor le hazeys por amor nuestro, para dar nos tanto mayor testimonio de vuestra amistad, hemos recebido de lo vno y de le otro muy grande contento, y satisfacion; y assy no podemos dexar de agradesceroslo, como mereceys. Vuestras cartas hemos tambien recibido, y con ellas holgadonos infinitamente, por venir de parte de vn Principe,

"Si, si!" exclaimed the young Spaniard, as if comprehending what was going on "Somos contentos todos, todos!" and he looked round, like a prince, on his fellow culprits. A low murmuring, "Si, si contento, contento!" passed amongst the group. "The accused, please your honours, are willing to trust to my correctness."

To produce such a revolution, divine how I must have been fascinated! and be not surprised at my repeating all the way that pathetic sonnet of Petrarch: "O giorno, o ora, o ultimo momento, O stelle congiurate a 'mpoverirme! O fido sguardo, or che volei tu dirme, Partend' io, per non esser mai contento?" September 9th. You may imagine how I felt when the hour of leaving Padua drew near.

"E lo quello" "There he is" were the words in which Turman pointed Lodovico out to a French captain, who immediately laid his hand on the duke's arm and arrested him in the name of King Louis. "Son contento," replied Lodovico, calmly; and made no further resistance. "I surrender," he said afterwards, "to my kinsman, Monsignore de Ligny."

And suddenly calmed by the evidences of Renovales' approval, that kept growing more extravagant to conceal his indifference, the Hungarian grasped both of his hands and lifted them to his breast. "Sono contento, maestro, sono contento." He did not want to let Renovales go.

Here is my good home, the same as before. I have always plenty beans, plenty meat, plenty flour, plenty coffee. I welcome every one to my house, to eat and sleep yet I have plenty left. I am muy contento, Señor Hardy yes, I am always happy. But the Americanos? No! When the sheep come, they fight; when their cattle are gone, they move; fight, fight; move, move; all the time."

Again, Dec. 20, 1514: 'E se la fortuna avesse voluto che i Medici, o in cosa di Firenze o di fuora, o in cose loro particolari o in pubbliche, mi avessino una volta comandato, io sarei contento. This letter, invaluable to the student of Machiavelli's works, is prejudicial to his reputation.

Have mercy!" "Devils, or men, Patty? Both are your courtiers, remember, and perhaps they crowd each other. What do we care? Que contento estoy! Perhaps I am indifferent because no blood is on my hands, vile slaver though I am! Joe Johnson and his low-browed brother you could teach to kill; me, nothing worse than to steal and fondle you. Patty, you believe in hell.