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Born at Florence in 1514, he was left early by his father's death to the sole care of his mother, Maria Soderini, 'a lady of rare prudence and goodness, who attended with the utmost pains and diligence to his education.

It may be remarked, in passing, that the body of Bartholomew Columbus, brother of the Admiral, was deposited in the convent of San Francisco in Santo Domingo, upon his death in 1514, and while some writers suggest it may have been taken to Spain, there is nothing to indicate that it was ever given sepulture in the cathedral of Santo Domingo.

At all events his sons did leave Augsburg about 1514; or, at any rate, Hans did, since there is a naïve little Virgin and Child in the Basel Museum, dated 1514, which must have been painted in the neighbourhood of Constance in this year, probably for the village church where it was discovered.

John of Vigo, in his book, the Practica Copiosa, published in 1514, and repeated in many editions, became the standard authority on all these subjects, and thus supplanted the works of the ancient writers.

On a first view, we must admit that Angers is disappointingly modern, with its straight, wide boulevards and regular rows of trees; but to-day we have spent most of our time in the old town which has not been despoiled of its ancient charm. And here in this inn, the Cheval Blanc, which has opened its hospitable doors since 1514, we live in an atmosphere of antiquity surrounded by modern comforts.

Wolsey held three bishoprics and one archbishopric, besides the abbey of St. Albans. Thus when Wolsey was presented, in 1514, to the See of Lincoln, Leo X. writes to his beloved son Thomas Wolsey how that in his great care for the interests of the Church, "Nos hodie Ecclesiæ Lincolniensi, te in episcopum et pastorem præficere intendimus." See the Acts in Rymer, Vol. VI. part I, pp. 55-57.

The military notes prepared in the War Department of the United States at the beginning of the war with Spain, contain the following of Santiago de Cuba: This city was founded in 1514, and the famous Hernando was its first mayor.

The reconciliation which took place in 1514 between Louis XII and Henry VIII, and the marriage which followed between the French king and the English king's sister, Mary, were therefore a great disappointment to Margaret.

Gabriel appearing to Zacharias Andrea del Sarto 9 1523. 2. Visitation Andrea del Sarto 10 1523. 3. Birth of S. John Andrea del Sarto 4 1514. 4. Zacharias blessing John before going Francia Bigio. to the desert 5. S. John meets the Virgin and Infant Francia Bigio. Christ 6. Baptism of Christ Andrea del Sarto 1 1509. 7. Preaching of S. John Andrea del Sarto 2 1514. 8.

It stretcheth it selfe, according vnto Postell, from the one Pole to the other, sauing at the streight of Magellan, whereunto it reacheth 53. degrees beyond the Equator. I will diuide it for the better vnderstanding into three principall parts. That which is toward the Pole Articke on the North is called new France, because that in the yeere 1514.