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The best medicines in these cases are a combination of cod-liver oil and the wine of iron, given in the following manner: Put a tea-spoonful of wine of iron into a wine-glass, half fill the glass with water, sweeten it with a lump or two of sugar, then let a tea-spoonful of cod-liver oil swim on the top; let the child drink it all down together, twice or three times a day.

Cod livers were given then as cod-liver oil is given now, "to restore them that have melted their Grease." A favorite prescription was "Rulandus, his Balsam which tho' it smel not wel" was properly powerful, and could be gotten down if carefully hidden in "poudered shuger."

Just fancy whale-oil! which is much nastier than even cod-liver oil, if you ever tasted that; but, on the other hand, it is a thorough combustible, and the poor people are not so very particular: come what will, the fire must be kept up, and that briskly.

She regarded it as a religious duty to take beer when he did while we were abroad, but in England and here he takes whiskey and soda, so as champagne is not always on tap in people's houses, sometimes she tries to emulate his example. Have you ever seen anybody take cod-liver oil? Well, that is the look which comes over Mrs.

Our boasted civilisation has not even taught her what to eat, as it certainly has not increased her appetite; and she knows not what every country fellow knows that without plenty of butter and other fatty matters, she is not likely to keep even warm. Better to eat nasty fat bacon now, than to supply the want of it some few years hence by nastier cod-liver oil.

When the chronic stage arrives, in which the skin becomes dry and scaly, then is the time for tonics, for iron, sometimes for cod-liver oil, and for arsenic; of which latter remedy, however, the results are uncertain; while in the acute stage, its influence is simply mischievous.

The effects of a milk and vegetable diet, of gluten bread in diabetes, of cod-liver oil in phthisis, even of such audacious innovations as the water-cure and the grape-cure, are only hints of what will be accomplished when we have learned to discover what organic elements are deficient or in excess in a case of chronic disease, and the best way of correcting the abnormal condition, just as an agriculturist ascertains the wants of his crops and modifies the composition of his soil.

I think a whiff of the Jersey ferry would be as flagons of cod-liver oil to me. Who conspicuously walks the Rialto now, and what does he or she wear? Are the trees still green in Madison Square, or have they grown brown and dusty? Does the chaste Diana on the Garden Theatre still keep her vestal vows through all the exasperating changes of weather?

So matters went drifting on the tide, and the years went by, as the years will. Mrs. Tilton became a semi-invalid, the kind that doctors now treat with hypophosphites, beef-iron-and-wine, cod-liver oil, and massage by the right attendant. They call it congenital anemia a scarcity of the red corpuscle.

Jimmy, having had a good night and having taken the morning's medicine without argument, had been allowed up in a roller chair. It struck Peter with a pang that the boy looked more frail day by day, more transparent. "I have brought you," said Peter gravely, "the cod-liver oil." "I've had it!" "Then guess." "Dad's letter?" "You've just had one. Don't be a piggy." "Animal, vegetable, or mineral?"