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In most persons spots will be found that have some tenderness or soreness, especially if there is any cold or sore throat, and these parts should receive careful attention and manipulation, which should be continued until the soreness is removed. Persevere until the whole throat feels perfectly free and relaxed. It is often the case that some gland is weak and can be strengthened by this massage.

There was no skimpy glorified towel of a carpet instead, a rich rug, like the one in his bedroom a miracle of softness, that seemed almost to massage the wet foot emerging from the tub.... All in all a room to conjure with it was easy to see that Anthony dressed there, arranged his immaculate hair there, in fact did everything but sleep and eat there. It was his pride, this bathroom.

But most American readers of our generation live easily and have always lived easily, and that undoubtedly accounts for the extraordinary popularity here of aspiring books. Reading of a fictitious hero who suffers for others is a tonic for our conscience, and like massage takes the place of exercise.

Sometimes, even at this stage, massage could help. It was harder without liberal supplies of hot water, but the massage was the really important treatment. It was the trembling of Feldman's hands that stopped him. He no longer had the strength or the certainty to make the massage effective. He was glaring at his hands in self-disgust when the legal doctor arrived. The man was old and tired.

This massage consists of humming exercises, with closed lips. Humming is the sunshine of the voice." The singer illustrated the idea with a short musical figure, consisting of three consecutive tones of the diatonic scale, ascending and descending several times; on each repetition the phrase began on the next higher note of the scale.

I do a lot of gymnastics each day, to exercise the voice and limber up the anatomy. These act as a massage for the voice; they are in the nature of humming, mingled with grunts, calls, exclamations, shouts, and many kinds of sounds indeed so many and various they cannot be enumerated.

"Good heavens!" cried Miss Lady aghast. "Of course, about New Year's, I began to wobble, but mother had me take massage and electricity and kept me going until Lent. After that I collapsed until summer. Then we went to White Sulphur, where the Dillinghams have a cottage, I had to lie down every afternoon, but I was always able to be up for the dances."

"How lovely she is!" commented Garth, gazing after her. "How much of that was true, do you suppose, Miss Champion?" "I have not the slightest idea," replied Jane. "I am completely ignorant on the subject of facial massage." "Not much, I should think," continued Garth, "or she would not have told us." "Ah, you are wrong there," replied Jane, quickly.

"I hadn't the slightest idea of comparing your own smile to a rainbow, so now." "I can't help it, really." Rose spoke with unfeigned distress in her voice, and began angrily to massage the corners of her mouth downward. "There's something wrong with the muscles of my face, I think, and sometimes I get worried for fear people will think that it's affectation.

Do not ever begin facial massage. You become a slave to it, and it takes up hours of your day. Look at me." They were both looking already. Myra was worth looking at. "For ordinary dressing purposes, I need not have gone in until seven; and now I must lose this last, perfect hour." "What happens?" asked Jane. "I know nothing of the process."