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He knows the secret desires of our hearts, and what we believe, and what we do not believe; He knows better than we ourselves know if there is a God. Does a man conjure God, if he does not believe in God? 'God knows! is not a statement of infidelity. With me it was a phrase no more. You ask me to bare my inmost soul. I have not learned how to confess.

Decay is in this extraordinary place golden in tint and misery <i>couleur de rose</i>. The gondolas of the correct people are unmitigated sable, but the poor market-boats from the islands are kaleidoscopic. The Bridge of the Rialto is a name to conjure with, but, honestly speaking, it is scarcely the gem of the composition.

I conjure you yield to a dying man's entreaties!" They approached the bed, and Sauvresy put Bertha's hand into Hector's. "Do you swear to obey me?" asked he. They shuddered to hold each other's hands, and seemed near fainting; but they answered, and were heard to murmur: "We swear it."

If, on the other hand, we direct attention to the antagonistic element in the machine, to Public Opinion, to the alleged collective mind of the grey mass, and consider how it is brought to believe in itself and its possession of certain opinions by the concrete evidence of daily newspapers and eloquent persons saying as much, we may also very readily conjure up a contrasted vision of extraordinary demagogues or newspaper syndicates working the political machine from that direction.

There will be no evil, that sickness, want, and solitude can inflict, that my fancy will not conjure as your fate. Stay with us, old man, if not for your own sake, at least for ours“Such thoughts and bitter dreams, Madam Effinghamreturned the hunter, solemnly, “ will never haunt an innocent parson long. They’ll pass away with God’s pleasure.

After successive surmises, after various indiscretions on my part, and indications on his, he at length confided to me at full the fatal tale! "Mr. Falkland! I most solemnly conjure you to recollect yourself! Did I ever prove myself unworthy of your confidence?

She was standing very still, her eyes roaming through the hall and music room, as it now was all thrown into one, under the great skylight. Old Jolyon had an odd impression of her. Was she trying to conjure somebody from the shades of that space where the colouring was all pearl-grey and silver? He would have had gold himself; more lively and solid.

"I have been reading a good deal of late," he said, "and old Gid has told me that I am improving, but I have found no book to speak a word of comfort to me. I took the heartache away back yonder but we won't talk about it. We'll poke around down here a day or two and then go home." "But hang it, I thought you came to enjoy yourself and not to conjure up things to make you sad."

Look ye, Dominie, if you speak another word till I give you leave, I will read three sentences out of the Black Acts, whisk my cane round my head three times, undo all the magic of this night's work, and conjure Harry Bertram back again into Vanbeest Brown. 'Honoured and worthy sir, groaned out the Dominie, 'I humbly crave pardon; it was but verbum volans.

She continued playing for an unconscionable time, with the most provoking perseverance. Emma stood at the window, watching for Mr. Bolingbroke's return. "Here comes Mr. Bolingbroke! How melancholy he looks! Oh, my dear Griselda," cried she, stopping Mrs. Bolingbroke's hand as it ran gaily over the keys, "this is no time for mirth or bravado: let me conjure you "