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"Choate and I know him, better than you or any other woman can in a thousand years." "You think he's the same man he was in college." "Fellows like Moore don't change. There's something inherently rotten in 'em you can't sweeten out." "Jeffrey, I assure you he has changed. He's a power for good. And when he gets his nomination, he'll be more of a power yet." "Nomination. For what?" "Mayor."

When your Cream hath boiled about a quarter of an hour, thicken it up with the Eggs, and sweeten it with Sugar; and take half a pint of Sack and six spoonfuls of Ale, and put into the basin or dish, you intend to make it in, with a little Ambergreece, if you please.

Take a quart of cream, and half a pound of almonds, beat them with the cream, then strain it, and boil it with twelve yolks of eggs and two whites, till it curdle, hang it up in a cloth till morning and then sweeten it; you may rub it through a sieve with the back of a spoon, or strain it through a coarse cloth. To make BLACK CAPS.

As a bonne bouche, I dangled the adventure of the Temple of Mut, to sweeten the temper of grumblers: but there were no grumblers. The Set listened calmly to my honeyed plausibilities; and the alarmed stewards dared not betray their consternation at the lightning change.

"When de chile git hongry, you git dat sweeten water off de shelf and gie it to him long wid his bread;" then adds, with a suspicion of tenderness upon her comely face; "I gwine fetch you some pie."

But placed, as it is our fortune, by your side, and seeing the malignity of those who attack you, and the disloyal character of their attacks, we feel bound to gather ourselves at the foot of your twofold throne, with vows for the integrity of your independent sovereignty; and once more offering you our whole selves, too happy if this manifestation of our fidelity may sweeten the bitterness with which your Holiness is afflicted, and if you are pleased to accept our offerings.

She was about to tell him what she had seen, when he began, "There is one thing in this world that would sweeten and renew my life and that?" Her heart was beating violently at what was so suddenly coming on her, when at that instant Charles broke off short with "Good Heavens! What's that?"

"I have work to do, Lady Angela, and I am going to it with a good heart. When we meet again I hope that it may be differently. Your coming the memory of it will stand often between me and loneliness. It will sweeten the very bitterest of my days." "You are really going to China?" she murmured. I glanced towards Lord Chelsford. His back was turned to us.

"The King, not caring for the pomp and state his predecessors had assumed, was fond of exiling the formality practiced by a sovereign and taking on the easy manners of a companion. He had lived, when in exile, upon a footing of equality with his banished nobles, and had partaken freely and promiscuously in the pleasures and frolics by which they had endeavoured to sweeten adversity.

"And another thing," resumed Tom, "we might as well settle the drink question right away of course you 'll want to know. Father is the only one who drinks cereal coffee. "And you must n't sweeten mine while you 're cooking it," interposed Rose decidedly. "Sure enough lucky you thought of that," laughed Tom, "or else poor Cousin Helen would have had another mistake to fret over.