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His experience in small-talk with Miss Meiggs confirmed his decision to live a college life into which co-education did not enter outside his class-rooms. Yet, having once departed from the mode of such a life, he found himself under an obligation.

Have we found anything there to frighten even a physiologist? The theory of Oberlin has never been identical co-education, except in the class-room. There "boys and girls are taught the same things, at the same time, in the same place, by the same faculty, with the same methods, and under the same regimen."

III. Chiefly Clinical. IV. Co-Education. V. The European Way. Part I. asserts that there is a difference between men and women; accuses woman of neglecting the proper care of her body; demands her physical development as a woman not forgetting, however, on page 24, to call attention to co-education as a great and threatening danger.

Will co-education not work in India? To a certain limited extent it has. Rukkubai, with her too brief years of freedom, proved its possibility.

The periodical type of woman's way of work must be harmonized with the persistent type of man's way of work in any successful plan of co-education. The keen eye and rapid hand of gain, of what Jouffroy calls self-interest well understood, is sometimes quicker than the brain and will of philanthropy to discern and inaugurate reform.

The woman who advocated co-education in those days was indeed in a "bold and conspicuous position." The resolutions were lost by a large majority. Even if every man present had voted against them, there were enough women to have carried them had they voted in the affirmative.

Pudor insists more especially that "nakedness, both in gymnastics and in sport, is a method of cure and a method of regeneration;" he advocates co-education in this culture of nakedness.

A method of such general supervision does not in itself forbid the co-education of girls and boys; for from this more general point of view, the health of the latter during adolescence really requires precisely the same precautions as that of the former.

It is against the co-education of the sexes, in this sense of identical co-education, that physiology protests; and it is this identity of education, the prominent characteristic of our American school-system, that has produced the evils described in the clinical part of this essay, and that threatens to push the degeneration of the female sex still farther on.

In the preface, the author remarks in an apology for plainness of speech: "The nature of the subject which the Essay discusses, the general misapprehension both of the strong and weak points of the woman question, and the ignorance displayed by many, of what the co-education of the sexes really means, all forbid that ambiguity of language or euphemism of expression should be employed in the discussion."