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Le Maire informe ses concitoyens que le commandant en chef des troupes allemandes a ordonné que le maire et deux notables soient pris comme otages pour la raison que des civils aient tiré sur des patrouilles allemandes. Si un coup de fusil était tiré

D'ailleurs, au temps de Mandeville, c'étoit la langue Française qu'on parloit en Angleterre. Cette langue y avoit été portée par Guillaume-le-Conquérant. On ne pouvoit enseigner qu'elle dans les écoles. Toutes les sentences des Tribunaux, tous les actes civils devoient être en Français; et quand Mandeville écrivoit en Français, il écrivoit dans sa langue.

Well, it's up Peronne way, or was last night. Cheyne and Dunthorpe came back from leave and tried to steal a car to get up to it ... Oh, I'm having the deuce of a time. These blighted civilians have got the wind up, and a lot are trying to clear out. The idiots say the Huns will be in Amiens in a week. What's the phrase? "Pourvu que les civils tiennent." 'Fraid I must push on, Sir.

Every day brought more of them to the town, lorries and horse carts set them down by the "Silver Lion," and they walked along the street carrying black bags and rolls of carpet, boxes of tools, and sometimes a well-oiled carbine. "Yes, we must go home," said the Englishwomen. "It's time to leave the town." The "Civils" seemed to drive them out.

He will explain to you, with the deepest feeling, that military men were put on their parole not to bag anything, and they did not; but the men in the Civils came on ponies, and went away with carts. The palace grounds are surrounded by four crenellated walls, each a mile long; each wall has three seven-roofed gates in it, and each gate has a bridge across the wide moat.

Down in the Co-operative I asked for a tin of milk, and I was told: 'We are keeping the milk for the "Civils." 'For the "Civils"? I said, for we are all accustomed to the idea that the army feeds first." "Oh, that's all gone! We are losing importance now. It is time to go home." As they spoke there came a shrill whistle which sounded through Charleville.

A narrative of some of these attempts has been presented to the Societe des Ingenieurs Civils; mostly taken in the first place from Stuart's work upon the origin of the steam engine, published in 1820, and now somewhat scarce. In 1807 De Rivaz applied the same idea in a different manner. He employed a cylinder 12 centimeters in diameter fitted with a piston.

It was during the burning that some of the worst murders and outrages took place. For there is a maddening force in triumphant cruelty, which is deadlier than that of wine; under it men become demons, and all that is human perishes. The excuse, of course, was here as at Senlis "les civils ont tiré!" There is not the slightest evidence in support of the charge.

M. Arson, engineer to the Paris Gas Company, published in 1867, in the Memoires de la Societe des Ingenieurs Civils de France, the results of some experiments on the loss of pressure in gas when passing through pipes. He employed cast-iron pipes of the ordinary type.

Les civils ont tiré it is the universal excuse for these deeds of wanton barbarism, and for the hideous cruelties to men, women, and children that have attended them beginning with that incident which first revealed to a startled world the true character of the men directing the German Army the burning and sack of Louvain.