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At the office next morning Sloan found the essay in his pocket and looked around the city-room for D.K.T. The staff poet-clown was no daylight saver; professing to burn the midnight oil in the interest of his employer, he seldom drifted in before half-past nine. "See me. S.S." wrote Sloan, and dropped Willie's manuscript on D.K.T.'s desk.

Coventry Daunt, on the watch for her, opened the limousine's door and she plunged in. "Wallace! To the State House! Quick!" she commanded. When Tasper returned to the city-room he was told that somebody was waiting on the telephone. It was one of the men assigned to the matter on Capitol Hill; he was calling from a drug-store booth in that neighborhood.

"Come in after the paper has gone to press," the latter had said. He went in and entered the elevator. "I want to see Mr. Bates, a reporter," he said. "City-room," said the elevator man; "eleventh floor." Montague confronted a very cross and sleepy-looking office-boy. "Is Mr. Bates in?" he asked. "I dunno," said the boy, and slowly let himself down from the table upon which he had been sitting.

"I know he is, and Piggott says it was a mighty wise thing to put it there, though I'm blessed if I know why. Hurry Godfrey along as much as you can. Good-night," and he followed his companions into the station. There was a drugstore at the corner with a public telephone station, and two minutes later, I was asking to be connected with the city-room at the Record office.

"Heffelbauer," said the m. e., "did you ever hear of a code belonging to the office a long time ago a private code? You know what a code is, don't you?" "Yah," said Heffelbauer. "Sure I know vat a code is. Yah, apout dwelf or fifteen year ago der office had a code. Der reborters in der city-room haf it here." "Ah!" said the m. e. "We're getting on the trail now. Where was it kept, Heffelbauer?

One day he came into the city-room where I was working and bending over my desk fairly bursting with suppressed humor announced, "Gee, Dreiser, I've just thought of a delicious trick to play on Dick! Oh, Lord!" and he stopped and surveyed me with beady eyes the while his round little body seemed to fairly swell with pent-up laughter. "It's too rich! Oh, if it just works out Dick'll be sore!

Isn't there a man in the city-room now offering me fifteen thousand a year to write a daily screed like it?" "You can see, Wilbram," said Mr. Oakes, "that there was no intention to injure or annoy. We are very sorry; but how can we print an apology to Mrs. Wilbram without making the matter worse?" "Who is this Willie Downey?" demanded Wilbram. "And who is the school teacher?"