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In serious pain morphin becomes a life saver. While a number of causes of true cardiac pain may be eliminated by improvement in any loss of compensation, by improvement of the heart tone, by more or less recovery from myocardial or endocardial inflammation, and by the withdrawal of nicotin, which may cause cardiac pains, still, true angina pectoris once occurring is likely to be caused by a progressive, incurable condition, and the attacks will become more frequent until the final one.

Got your boat?" "Yes, come on," called the boy, plainly glad to be of service to the heroine. "Uncle Pete is at the bend. I'll row you down to him." "Hello, Bentley," Louise called out. "Haven't we had a great time?" "I should say you had," he answered, cap in hand. "You're the life saver, aren't you?" "She's it," sang out Margaret gleefully.

"Saver above, is it possible! without cloak or bonnet, shoe or stockin' an' you have your affliction at home, too, poor thing; why the Lord look down an you, an' pity you I pray his blessed name this day!

Lanstron laughed very humanly for an automaton. "I'll suggest the battery to him. It might prove a labor saver," he said. "Being a little old-fashioned, he has depended on clockwork, which requires a special orderly to wind us when we fun down and nod at our desks." Then he turned solicitous.

With the ax in this country men never venture from home without an ax, for in wilderness traveling it is often a life saver Jimmy split some sticks, and then with his jackknife whittled shavings from the dry heart.

It was a woman, red and white, hating and loving, that called him with the voice of his hopes. Because no harm could come to it he endowed it with power. He kept near, as if it could be a saver of lives, and an imploring cry went from his mind. In the mad scramble he was aware that the color sergeant flinched suddenly, as if struck by a bludgeon.

Oh, thin, Saver above, but it's he id go to the well o' the world's end to ase you, if your little finger only ached. He would, or for myself, and yet his own father to trate him wid sich " It was in vain she attempted to proceed; the subject was one in which her heart felt too deep an interest to be discussed without tears.

Ten to one he doesn't end up by saying we can't afford it. He's like Jane, Frank's wife, where you board, you know, only Jane's worse than Jim ever thought of being. She won't spend even what she's got. If she's got ten dollars, she won't spend but five cents, if she can help it. Now, I believe in taking some comfort as you go along. But Jane greatest saver I ever did see. Better look out, Mr.

Centuries ago, in the shelter of this valley, lived Tutokanula and his tribe a good hunter, he, a thoughtful saver of crops and game for winter, a wise chief, trusted and loved by his people.

And he does more than assert, than merely wind upon his horn outside the gates of the enchanted city, he is a builder, collector, saver. He wishes to find the few who, in this fearful commercial submersion, ought to be living the spiritual life, and showing forth in blossom the highest significance of the Adam tree.