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It pleased our Lord to let me see the degree of glory to which some souls have been raised, showing them to me in the places they occupy. There is a great difference between one place and another. Ch. xxxiv. Dona Luisa de la Cerda, at Toledo. Ch. iv. section 6. 1 St. Peter ii. 11: "Advenas et peregrinos." Philipp. iii. 20: "Nostra autem conversatio in coelis est."

He looked to Cerda a frail and weakly child, and his wonder and even anger increased at those that had let such a child be about at that hour; and then he saw that the child was weary, so he carried him up the ladder, still wrapped in the cloak, and laid him on his bed and bid him sleep; and then he went down softly to satisfy his own hunger, and was surprised to see that the food was not diminished but rather seemed increased.

See Life, ch. xxv. sections 18, 22. Relation II. To One of Her Confessors, from the House of Dona Luisa de la Cerda, in 1562. Jesus. I think it is more than a year since this was written; God has all this time protected me with His hand, so that I have not become worse; on the contrary, I see a great change for the better in all I have to say: may He be praised for it all!

Cerda was vexed that a father should be so careless of his child, but he could not understand from the child what the business might be. So at last he said that the child must come into the tower with him, and that he would give him shelter for the night, and that in the morning he would make search for his father.

I saw the Queen and the King with their children, and the Grand Cardinal, and prelates and prelates, and the Marquis of Cadiz, and many a grandee and famous knight. Don Enrique de Cerda and his troop came by. Diego Lopez and I returned to the town. I saw again the man who would find India by a way unpassed, as far as one knew, since the world began! He was entering a house with a friar beside him.

Elmo and the lives of its entire garrison to attain his end. He did not, however to continue the simile of La Cerda prescribe for others a medicine which he himself was not prepared to take, and when he said that he would go to the fort of St. Elmo it was no mere figure of speech.

They all loved to be out in the open air along with Cerda, the Saxon jarl, one of the King's chief fighting-men, who urged them to learn how to use the broadsword. After setting one of the men to make swords for the boys not of hard cutting steel, but of good tough ash-wood and then matching them two against two, he would sit and roar with laughter at the blows they gave and took. "Well done!

The little fort could hold but a small garrison, but the force was a corps d'élite: De Broglio of Piedmont commanded it with sixty soldiers, and was supported by Juan de Guaras, bailiff of the Negropont, a splendid old Knight, followed by sixty more of the Order, and some Spaniards under Juan de la Cerda: a few hundred of men to meet thirty thousand Turks, but men of no common mettle.

"Sire," replied La Cerda, "the fort may be compared to a sick man in his extremity, in the last stage of weakness, unable to sustain himself except by perpetual cordials and remedies." "Then I myself will be your physician," said the Grand Master with contempt, "and I will bring others with me.

"You have it there," I answered, and we covered the embers and went to bed in La Rabida. Winter passed. It was seen that the Admiral could not sail this week nor the next. Juan Lepe, bearded, brown as a Moor, older than in the year Granada fell, crossed with quietness much of Castile and came on a spring evening to the castle of Don Enrique de Cerda.