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He had been absent for two or three days, having gone up to town to visit his father, who had been somewhat seriously unwell, and as he rode toward Castleford he gave more thought than usual to his young fiancee. In truth, a visit to Colonel Ormonde was a great bore to him.

We were too far off to be constant attendants; but evensong made an object for our airings, and my father's head, now quite white, was often seen there. He felt it a great relief amid the cares of his later years. Perhaps it was with a view to him that Mr. Castleford arranged that Clarence should become manager for the firm at Bristol, with a good salary.

"And shall we come to stay at Miss Payne's for the Easter holidays?" cried the boys in chorus, as Katherine took leave of them the next day. "I hope so, dears, but I am not sure." "Then will you come down to Sandbourne? That would be jolly." "I cannot promise, Cecil. We will see." "But, auntie, we'll not have to go to Castleford?" "Why? Would you not like to go?" "No. Would you, Charlie?

She looked rather blank when she found that Clarence did not mean to give up business, nor even to become a sleeping partner; but when she examined into ways and means, she allowed that he was prudent, and that perhaps it was due to Mr. Castleford not to deprive him of an efficient helper under present circumstances.

Throwing a brief "good-morning" at the "old maid" of uncertain position, the Colonel walked heavily downstairs in the wake of his admired young guest. Monckton was scarcely four hours from London, but when the drive to Castleford was accomplished there was not too much time left to dress for dinner. Mrs.

She almost regretted having made the attempt, and yet she had a kind of miserable satisfaction in having told the truth, the whole truth, to Errington; anything was better than wearing false colors in his sight. It was this sense of deception that had embittered her intercourse with him at Castleford; otherwise she would have been gratified by his grave friendly preference.

The precise young man by a motion of his eyes directed the newcomer's attention to Lewisham's waterproof collar, and was answered by raised eyebrows and a faint tightening of the mouth. "That bounder at Castleford has answered me," said the new-comer in a fine rich voice. "Is he any bally good?"

"I'll leave my card for your chief below; and be sure you don't forget me when you are sending out cards. By-the-way, I have a pressing invitation to Castleford. When I write to refuse I'll say I have seen you, and that I am going to take charge of the boys during the holidays." "No, no; pray do not, Lord de Burgh," cried Katherine, eagerly. "You know Ada, and "

To both of them the outside world was all in all, and on this Mrs. Ormonde counted largely. Colonel Ormonde could not put her away or lock her up because the provision made by Katherine for the boys failed her, so while she was mistress of Castleford she must have dresses and carriages and consideration.

'And then I had your letter, sir, thank you, said Clarence, scarcely restraining his tears. 'The thanks are on our side, my dear boy, said Mr. Castleford. 'I must talk it over with you, but not till you have had a night's rest. You look as if you had not known one for a good while. Clarence gave a sort of trembling smile, not trusting himself to speak.