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The first impression produced by Caspar's appearance and behavior was, that he was some idiot or lunatic escaped from confinement; it remained only to be shown whence he had escaped. In the mean time he was placed under the protection of the police, who removed him to their guard-room.

He was about to ask some more questions, but was restrained by the remembrance of his present peculiar position. The same thought checked his inclination to say, "I am Winn Caspar, sir, the son of your friend Major Caspar, of Caspar's Mill."

Caspar was putting on a pound a week, and had plunged into a fresh "creation" more symbolic and encumbering than the monument of which he had been so opportunely relieved. If there was any cloud on Stanwell's enjoyment of life, it was caused by the discovery that success had quadrupled Caspar's artistic energies.

The day is approaching when his soul will become forfeit to the powers of evil, unless he can bring a fresh victim in his place. He looks around him for a possible substitute, and his choice falls upon Max, another ranger, who had been unlucky in the preliminary contest for the post of chief huntsman, and is only too ready to listen to Caspar's promise of unerring bullets.

Nevertheless, there are circumstances which, even then, are incapable of explanation; but it is the most satisfactory theory, and certainly has less objections than the others. Feuerbach came to this conclusion early; for his paper addressed to Queen Caroline of Bavaria was written in 1832, the year before Caspar's death.

"I do," replied Caspar, still speaking in the same tone of confidence; "but a rope of only fifty ay, of not more than half that length may be held in our hands, while the other end is over the top of the cliff." Karl looked perplexed; but the shikaree, on this occasion quicker of perception than the philosopher, catching at Caspar's meaning, cried out:

The darkish disc visible behind the evergreen leaves could be no other than the body of the deer; and Karl was just about cocking his rifle, to bore it with a bullet, when the click of Caspar's double-barrel sounding ominously in his ear, fortunately conducted to a far different denouement than that fatal finale which was so near having occurred. The signal of the Shikaree.

But how on earth did he happen to have any doubts on the subject? I should as soon have thought of his coming in here!" Stanwell winced at the analogy, but replied in Caspar's key: "Oh, he's not as sure of any of us as he is of you!" The sculptor received this tribute with a joyous expletive. "By God, no, he's sure of me, as you say!

"Forsaken, general, save by one little dog that had just expired at the side of her bed, for its body was warm and supple." "And the poor girl?" "She was dying." Eugene's large, questioning eyes were upon Caspar's face, and their expression was anxious and painful. "Caspar, did you remember your promise?" "Yes, general, I did. The maiden asked for water, and I held the cup to her lips.

It was to Caspar the party was indebted for this happy change of feeling. An idea had occurred to the young hunter or rather a new scheme which was at once communicated to his companions. Strictly speaking, Caspar's scheme could not be termed a new one. It was only supplementary to that already set before them by Karl; and the bearcoot, as before, was to be the chief actor in it.