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This morning, however, you will amuse yourself will you not? for I must ride down to San Sebastiano and meet the colonel of carabinieri from Messina." "Certainly. Don't mind me." Martel hesitated an instant, then explained: "It is a matter of business. One of my farm-hands is in prison." "Indeed! What for?" "Oh, it is nothing. He killed a fellow last week." "Jove!

Oh! it was not possible to leave Piero at Villa Mayda! He must be removed! A hiding-place must be found, where neither the police nor the carabinieri would be able to unearth him; where he would be well nursed, have every attention, and be in the hands of a skilful physician. She did not think of consulting the Selvas.

Has not your heart gone out many times across the seas to those cliffs?" pointing to Sorrento. "Many times, Giovanni. But remember and control yourself. Presently the carabinieri will come on board. You will see that all our luggage goes promptly to the Bristol, once we are through the customs." "Trust me, signore."

Standing there in the Piazza, quite deserted now save for some cloaked figure who hurried away up the Calzaioli, and two Carabinieri who stood for a moment at the Uffizi corner and then turned under the arches, I seemed to understand something of the spirit that built that marvellous fortress, that thrust that fierce tower into the sky; yes, surely at this hour some long dead Florentine must venture here to console the living, who, for sure, must be gay so sadly and with so much regret.

He gripped Smith by the arm and pointed toward the path leading to the gates. "Look!" he whispered. All turned, and what they saw in nowise relieved the tenseness of the situation. Two carabinieri and an inspector of seals, dusty but stern of countenance, came up the path.

Queer business. But she's a princess, all right; and she doesn't need any foreign handle, either. Kitty, you stick to America when you think of getting married." "I shall," said Kitty demurely. "My opinion," went on O'Mally, "is that the prince beat his nag out of pure deviltry, and the brute jumped into the gorge with him. The carabinieri claim that they saw a man in the gorge.

At any rate the carabinieri were already stationed at Jenne. "You call him 'the Saint' also?" said Maria. "Oh, yes!" the doctor answered, laughing. "They all call him that, all save those who call him 'the Devil, for at Jenne some do so already!" How astonishing! This was news to them! Who called him "the Devil," and why?

O'Mally, recollecting the vast prison at Naples, saw all sorts of dungeons, ankle-deep in sea-water, and iron bars, shackles and balls. Every one stood up and waited for this new development to unfold itself. La Signorina alone seemed indifferent to this official cortège. The inspector signed to the carabinieri, who stopped. He came on.

The Government always had the situation firmly in hand, with many regiments of infantry, also cavalry, to reinforce the police, the secret service, and the carabinieri, who alone might very well have handled all the disorder that occurred. Never, I suspect, was there any more demonstrating than the Government thought wise.

"What is your belief?" "I know a man who has seen him." "Who?" "Aliandro." "Bah! Aliandro is such a liar!" exclaimed Savigno. "However that may be, he has seen things in his time. He says that Cardi is not what people suppose him to be a brigand except when it suits his desires. That is why he comes and goes and the carabinieri can never trace him.