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Some of those who read these lines may have occasion, when visiting the country stigmatised by the snarling Frenchman as the land of canards, canaux, and canaille, to receive cash in the busy counting-house, and hospitality the princely mansion of one of its most respected bankers.

"Adieu, canaux, canards, et canaille," which might be rendered into English thus: "Good bye, dikes, ducks, and Dutchmen." So I returned to my father's house, to be nursed by my sister, and to astonish the neighbours with the history of our wonderful achievements.

«Mais si les courans de la mer ont trouvé des montagnes toutes faites, et qu'ils les ayent traversées, dans quelque sens que ce soit; ils se sont frayé des routes dans les endroits la resistance étoit moindre, et ont rongé les bords de leurs canaux

Voltaire said, 'Canaux, canards, canaille! But the government has its own engineers; you can't get a finger in the matter unless you get on the right side of them; for the Chamber, oh, monsieur, the Chamber does us all the harm in the world! It won't take in the political question hidden under the financial question. There's bad faith on one side or the other.

"Adieu, Canaux, Canardes, et Canaille," which might be rendered into English thus: "Good-bye, Dykes, Ducks, and Dutchmen." So I returned to my father's house to be nursed by my sister, and to astonish the neighbours with the history of our wonderful achievements.

Elle est traversée d'une rivière qui s'y divise en plusieurs canaux, et fermée dans son enceinte seulement de belles murailles; car les faubourgs sont plus grands que la ville. Nulle part je n'ai vu d'aussi grands jardins, de meilleurs fruits, une plus grande abondance d'eau. Cette abondance est telle qu'il y a peu de maisons, m'a-t-on dit, qui n'aient leur fontaine.

He was not even an observing spectator, but a good-natured enfant du siecle, a sinner among sinners, for whom life was one long comedy. * For instance, one stanza sung by M. de St. Maurice: "Tout les terrains, les canaux, les carrieres, Depuis le fer jusqu'au moindre metal, Les champs, les eaux, les forets, les bruyeres Tout represente un certain capital.

Voltaire was able to speak the famous words: "Adieu, canaux, canards, canaille;" but when he had to judge Holland seriously, he remembered that he had not found in its capital "an idle person, a poor, dissipated, or insolent man," and that he had everywhere seen "industry and modesty."