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'Think of what a pest is love. How many have died of it. Pyramus, Thisbe, Dido, Medea, Croesus, Callirhoe, Theagines the philosopher ... Consider what writes Gordonius: "Prognosticatio est talis: si non succuratur iis aut in maniam cadunt: aut moriuntur." Unless lovers be succoured either they fall into a madness, either they die or grow mad.

Mardonius’s tents were pitched in the eastern city by the fountain of Callirhoë,—a spot of fond memories for the Alcmæonid. Here first he had met Hermione, come with her maids to draw water, and had gone away dreaming of Aphrodite arising from the sea. Often here he had sat with Democrates by the little pool, whilst the cypresses above talked their sweet, monotonous music.

"Ha! ha!" laughed the gourmand; "some tempting viand post prandia Callirhoe." "My good lord," said I, not heeding his insinuation "I leave you with the greatest regret." "And I part from you with the same; it is a real pleasure to see such a person at dinner." "Adieu! my host 'Je vais vivre et manger en sage."

Her story has been often told, and runs in this wise: Kora, or Callirhoë, was much admired by the young men of Sicyonia for her grace and beauty, of which they caught but fleeting glimpses through her veil when they met her in the flower-market.

"Ha! ha!" laughed the gourmand; "some tempting viand post prandia Callirhoe." "My good lord," said I, not heeding his insinuation "I leave you with the greatest regret." "And I part from you with the same; it is a real pleasure to see such a person at dinner." "Adieu! my host 'Je vais vivre et manger en sage."

There are also other ancient temples in this quarter. The fountain too, which, since the alteration made by the tyrants, has been called Enneacrounos, or Nine Pipes, but which, when the spring was open, went by the name of Callirhoe, or Fairwater, was in those days, from being so near, used for the most important offices.

Think of the cavalier fashion in which Ulysses treated Calypso, Diomedes Callirhoë. What should I say of Theseus and Ariadne? Jason treated Medea with inconceivable lightness. The Romans continued the tradition with still greater brutality. Aenaeus, who has many characteristics in common with the Reverend Spardek, treated Dido in a most undeserved fashion.

<b>KORA OR CALLIRHOË.</b> It is a well-authenticated fact that in the Greek city of Sicyonia, about the middle of the seventh century before Christ, there lived the first woman artist of whom we have a reliable account.

Beyond Nebbee Moussa, we came out upon the last heights overlooking the Dead Sea, though several miles of low hills remained to be passed. The head of the sea was visible as far as the Ras-el-Feshka on the west; and the hot fountains of Callirhoe on the eastern shore. Farther than this, all was vapor and darkness. The water was a soft, deep purple hue, brightening into blue.

He knew they were re-entering the tent. He never saw the women again. Mardonius accompanied him all the long way from the fount of Callirhoë to the sea-shore. Glaucon protested, but the bow-bearer would not hearken. “You have saved my life, Athenian,” was his answer, “when you leave me now, it is forever.”