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"And thou mayst as safely break thy malignant jests on a wounded lion as on John of Ramorny," said the knight, raising himself in uncontrollable indignation. "Caitiff, proceed to thy duty; and remember, that if my hand can no longer clasp a dagger, I can command an hundred."

Gersíwaz, on hearing this, thought it prudent to change his plan, and conduct him to Afrásiyáb, and he was permitted to do so on the promise of pardon for the alleged offence. When brought before Afrásiyáb, he was assailed with further opprobrium, and called a dog and a wicked remorseless demon. "Thou caitiff wretch, of monstrous birth, Allied to hell, and not of earth!"

I had my other hand in a pocket feeling for the little phial in which I purposed to enclose Anopheles, if I could coax him to alight. Indeed, I say, I was at that very moment as happy as a man need be; or, at least, as happy as I ever expected to be. Imagine my surprise, therefore, at that moment to hear a voice, apparently intended for me, exclaim, "Halt! Caitiff!"

Had you been dead and in your grave, the words that I spoke should have roused you like the trump of the archangel!" exclaimed Capitola, with the blood rushing back to her cheeks. "Your entrance was sufficiently startling, coz, but tell me over again what was the occasion?" "That caitiff, Craven Le Noir, has slandered me! Oh, the villain! He is a base slanderer!

You call me caitiff, say I cannot sail The seas again, and that I seem to quail Before the storms and summer's heat, nor dare The speeding victor's arms again to bear. We know how frail Vergil's health was in later years. His constitution may well have been wrecked during the winter of 49 which Caesar himself, inured though he was to the storms of the North, found unusually severe.

"Why may that be, Myles?" said Gascoyne. "Because," answered Myles, with the same angry bitterness in his voice, "either the Earl is a coward that feareth to befriend me, or else he is a caitiff, ashamed of his own flesh and blood, and of me, the son of his one-time comrade." Gascoyne raised himself upon his elbow, and opened his eyes wide in wonder. "Afeard of thee, Myles!" quoth he.

"Look thee, caitiff!" said Ebbo; "thou meritest the rope as well as any wolf on the mountain, but we have kept thee so long in suspense, that if thou canst say a word for thy life, or pledge thyself to meddle no more with my lands, I'll consider of thy doom." "You have had plenty of time to consider it," growled the fellow. A murmur, followed by a wrathful shout, rose among the villagers.

There must be another." Jorian drove the spade in and threw out quantities of hard mould. In vain. And even while he dug, his master's mood had changed. "Treason! treachery!" he cried. "You knew of this." "Knew what, master, in Heaven's name?" "Caitiff, you knew there was another one worth all these twice told. "'Tis false," cried Jorian, made suspicious by the other's suspicion.

Half-way betwixt the house and the beach, they saw the bodies of Nanty Ewart and Cristal Nixon blackening in the sun. 'That was your informer? said Redgauntlet, looking back to General Campbell, who only nodded his assent. 'Caitiff wretch! exclaimed Redgauntlet; 'and yet the name were better bestowed on the fool who could be misled by thee.

Her account of the transaction made his very blood boil; especially as her pretty pouting lips were lacerated cruelly inside: that rude blow on the mouth had almost driven the teeth through them. How confidingly she told her artless tale; how gently did her fond protector kiss that poor pale cheek; and how sternly did he vow full vengeance on the caitiff!