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Carchemish would then be cah-chemul, the city of navigators, of merchants. KATISH, their sacred city, would be the city where sacrifices are offered. CAH, city, and TICH, a ceremony practiced by the ancient Mayas, and still performed by their descendants all through Central America.

In the mean time everybody in the car would pack closely around the door, so as to give the impression that the car was densely crowded. The Rebel would look convinced, and demand: "Why, how many men have you got in de cah?" Then one of us would order the imaginary host in the invisible recesses to

"Leaves this cah the'a," said the man, as if surprised into the admission. "Can I go on her?" Gaites pursued, breathlessly. "Well, I guess you'll have to talk to this man about that," and the station-master indicated, with a nod of his head, the freight conductor, who was swinging himself down from the caboose, now come abreast of them on the track.

His voice sounded excited. "Anybody hurt?" She was beginning to enjoy it all, feeling exhilarated over the drama of it. "Mist' Joe Mist' Joe Hoopah. He done fell offen de bridge into de ditch. Speck he done broke his laig." She caught her breath. "Dey done sen' me to git my cah. Said dey would lemme ketch up wid 'em. But Lawsy, de cah won' run."

"But the cah was so wa'm, I neva suff'ed a mite." "Well," I summarized, "it must be a great advantage to all the people along the line." "Well, you wouldn't 'a' thought so, from the kick they made." "I suppose the cottagers" the summer colony "didn't like the noise." "Oh yes; that's what I mean. The's whe' the kick was. The natives like it. I guess the summa folks 'll like it, too."

"But the cah was so wa'm, I neva suff'ed a mite." "Well," I summarized, "it must be a great advantage to all the people along the line." "Well, you wouldn't 'a' thought so, from the kick they made." "I suppose the cottagers" the summer colony "didn't like the noise." "Oh yes; that's what I mean. The's whe' the kick was. The natives like it. I guess the summa folks 'll like it, too."

Now the Mayas called LA, that which has existed for ever, the truth par excellence. As to the native name of Babylon it would simply be the city of the infinite truth cah, city; LA, eternal truth. Ana, like Ra, is thought to have signified God in the highest sense. Its etymology seems to be problematic.

Miss Tucker added a superfluous r to some words, but then she made amends by dropping the final r where it was preceded by a broad vowel. If she said idear, she compounded for it by saying waw. She said lor for law, and dror for draw, but then she said cah for car. Some of our Americans are as free with the final r as the cockney is with his initial h.

The Rebel Captain, noticing me, said, in the old, hateful, brutal, imperious tone: "Git back in dat cah, dah." An hour before I would have scrambled back as quickly as possible, knowing that an instant's hesitation would be followed by a bullet. Now, I looked him in the face, and said as irritatingly as possible: "O, you go to , you Rebel.

Girls had to do something, and one of 'em got a place in a school out West smaht, all of 'em; the second one kind o' runs the fahm; and the youngest, here, 's been fittin' for a music-teacha. Why, I've got a piano for her in this cah that we picked up at Middlemount, now. Been two wintas at the Conservatory in Boston. Got talent enough, they tell me.