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And then I forget. Of the next three days I know nothing. I have learned since that, so far from my being the first discoverer of the Martian overthrow, several such wanderers as myself had already discovered this on the previous night. One man the first had gone to St. Martin's-le-Grand, and, while I sheltered in the cabmen's hut, had contrived to telegraph to Paris.

Setting out from one or other of the score of garrets and cheap lodgings we had in our time inhabited, we had wandered together, day after day, night after night, far down East, where, as we had threaded our way among the barrels of soused herrings and the stalls and barrows of unleavened bread, he had taught me scraps of Hebrew and Polish and Yiddish; up into the bright West, where he could never walk a quarter of a mile without meeting one of his extraordinary acquaintances furred music-hall managers, hawkers of bootlaces, commercial magnates of his own Faith, touts, crossing-sweepers, painted women; into Soho, where he had names for the very horses on the cab-ranks and the dogs who slumbered under the counters of the sellers of French literature; out to the naphtha-lights and cries of the Saturday night street markets of Islington and the North End Road; into City churches on wintry afternoons, into the studios of famous artists full of handsomely dressed women, into the studios of artists not famous, at the ends of dark and break-neck corridors; to tea at the suburban homes of barmaids and chorus girls, to dinner in the stables of a cavalry-barracks, to supper in cabmen's shelters.

That's poor for him. He takes his meals at cabmen's shelters and at Lockhart's, and he's been doing so for a month." Helen recalled with a guilty thrill the receipt of certain boxes of La France roses cut long, in the American fashion which had arrived within the last month at various country-houses. She felt indignant at herself, and miserable.

John's Wood Road, and ran headlong from this unendurable stillness towards Kilburn. I hid from the night and the silence, until long after midnight, in a cabmen's shelter in Harrow Road. But before the dawn my courage returned, and while the stars were still in the sky I turned once more towards Regent's Park.

The swishing of the torrent on the parched wood was musical. Just beyond the gate of Hyde Park, to the right of the road, stands a cabmen's shelter. Conversation and emotion had made Lord Dreever thirsty. He suggested coffee as a suitable conclusion to the night's revels. "I often go in here when I'm up in town," he said. "The cabbies don't mind. They're sportsmen."

It is freezing, and the frost has sprinkled diamonds everywhere, on the trees, the roofs, the parapets, even on the cabmen's hats, that gather each a sparkling cockade as they pass along through the mist. The river is running in waves, white-capped here and there. On the penny steamers no one but the helmsman is visible. But what a crowd on the Pont de Carrousel!

Gallegher never knew how it began, but he was suddenly assaulted by shouts on either side, his horse was thrown back on its haunches, and he found two men in cabmen's livery hanging at its head, and patting its sides, and calling it by name.

That's poor for him. He takes his meals at cabmen's shelters and at Lockhart's, and he's been doing so for a month." Helen recalled with a guilty thrill the receipt of certain boxes of La France roses cut long, in the American fashion which had arrived within the last month at various country houses. She felt indignant at herself, and miserable.

"He's a-using his whip, he is, to rights," said the ostler boy. "Hullo!" said poor old Tommy Byles; "here's another bloomin' loonatic. Blowed if there aint." "It's old George," said old Tootles, "and he's drivin' a loonatic, as you say. Aint he a-clawin' out of the keb? Wonder if he's after 'Arry 'Icks?" The group round the cabmen's shelter became animated. Chorus: "Go it, George!" "It's a race."

Hitherto he had fought shy of zenana meetings, barmaid associations, working girls' clubs, open-air spaces, and people's parks, and even cabmen's shelters and drinking fountains. "They were all good and worthy objects," he had observed to Anna, and he could have tackled them singly, but not when they were piled on ad nauseum.