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Van Brunt and the old news-carrier came in. He was a venerable, mild-looking man, with thin hair as white as snow. He wore a long snuff-coloured coat and a broad- brimmed hat, the sides of which were oddly looped up to the crown, with twine; his tin horn or trumpet was in his hand. His saddle-bags were on Mr. Van Brunt's' arm.

"I saw that frock in Brunt's three days ago," Helen began, kissing the tall, tightbound, large-boned woman. "I know you did, Nell," Sarah admitted. "But you needn't tell me so. Don't you like it?" "I think it's a dream," Helen replied, quickly. "Turn round." But there was a certain lack of conviction in her voice, and in Sarah's manner there was something strained.

Too miserable to be angry, Ellen could not laugh, and would not cry, but she exclaimed, in distress "Oh, what shall I do! I am so cold!" "Come along," said Nancy; "give me your hand; we'll run over to Mrs. Van Brunt's 'tain't far it's just over here. There," said she, as they got to the top of the bank, and came within sight of a house standing only a few fields off "there it is!

Van Brunt has broken his leg, I am afraid, and wants the doctor directly." "Why, dear Ellen," said Jenny, "the men have just gone off this minute to Mrs. Van Brunt's. Nancy was here for them to come and help move him in a great hurry. How did it happen? I couldn't get anything out of Nancy." "He fell down through the trap-door. But, dear Jenny, isn't there anybody about?

But," he added, hastily, "you say the homestead is mortgaged as well; how about the interest on that?" "You needn't be bothered about that," answered Mr. Field. "The interest on that mortgage is included in the two hundred and ninety that I spoke of, and the insurance interest on the homestead is included in Adams & Brunt's statement.

However, it was none the less a sovereign. She picked it up, thanked Providence, ordered the dog-cart, and drove straight to Brunt's. The particular thing that she acquired was an exceedingly thin, slim, and fetching silver belt a marvel for the money, and the ideal waist decoration for her wonderful white muslin gown. She bought it, and left the shop.

The fluctuating market of the Cacklogallinian 'Change, which responded to every rumor, follows faithfully the actual situation in London in 1720; and the final crash which shook Cacklogallinian foundations subtly suggested by Brunt's unwillingness to return and face the enraged multitude is an echo of the crash which shook England when the Bubble was pricked.

"Why, all this about Nancy in the first place; and then I know she didn't like Mr. Van Brunt's bringing the rocking-chair for me she couldn't say much, but I could see by her face. And then Mrs. Van Brunt's coming I don't think she liked that. Oh, Mrs. Van Brunt came to see me this morning, and brought me a custard. How many people are kind to me, everywhere I go."

I can see no way-marks, and I cannot judge at all of the rate at which we have come." "But what if we should have passed it in this darkness?" said Ellen. "No, I don't think that," said Alice, though a cold doubt struck her mind at Ellen's words; "I think we shall see the glimmer of Mrs. Van Brunt's friendly candle, by-and-by."

Oh, how about the paving of the street in front of those Bush Street houses of mine? Brunt says that the supervisors have passed a resolution of intention to that effect. Now shall I let the city contractor have the job or give it to Brunt's man?" "Better let the city people do it," advised Field. "They may charge more, but you needn't pay them for a long time."