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She snowshoed down the hill, a little blindly, for the mist of glad tears brimmed her eyes. Straight into Beresford's arms she went. Safe at last, she began to cry. The soldier petted her, with gentle words of comfort. "It's all right now, little girl. All over with. Your father's here. See! He's coming. We'll not let anything harm you." McRae took the girl into his arms and held her tight.

And it was true, for the silver cup brimmed once more with cold water, and on the golden platter were other cakes. Now the Dream spoke again: "Surely," it said, "there were other wishes in your heart, O Morning-Star, than that for human sustenance?" "Aye, O Dream, I wished for vengeance upon Abi, the traitor, Abi the murderer of my father, who would bring me to the last shame of womanhood.

My hat was a rather narrow brimmed soft felt. I had one pair of heavy leather moccasins reaching almost to my knees, one pair of high seal-skin boots, one pair low ones, which M. Duclos had given me, and three pairs of duffel. Of underwear I had four suits and five pairs of stockings, all wool.

On examination, the two pretended merchants were found to wear eastern habilaments beneath their long gowns, and the cloth of the turban was concealed under the broad brimmed hat of each. They both had daggers, and upon the arm of the one the dog had seized, there was the deep scar of what seemed to be a desperate bite.

His weak voice broke, and two large tears filled his eyes and brimmed over, trickling slowly down his pale cheeks. Manuel took his hand and pressed it encouragingly. "Do not cry!" he said gently "Believe in what I say that you will soon be quite well. The Cardinal has prayed for you as only good men CAN pray, without one selfish thought, in faith and deep humility, -such prayers draw angels down!

Why couldn't she have met him first? She's so lovable." Tears brimmed to her eyes. "That's been her ruin. She was ready to believe any man who said he cared for her. Even when she was a little bit of a trick when people liked her, she was grateful to them for it and kinda snuggled up to them. I never saw a more cuddly baby."

The silver voice stopped, choked with sobs, and Ruth's eyes, looking down on the shrunken, bowed figure of Green Valley's gossip, brimmed over with tears. Seth, sober now, stared at his wife, at the broken, crushed Fanny, at the crowd that stood waiting in still misery. Ruth walked down to Fanny and flung her arms about her.

Speeches and songs were warmly applauded, proud parents watched their merry darlings with eyes that brimmed with tenderness; and the heart of Semiramis never throbbed more triumphantly than that of the delighted young Queen of May, who would not have exchanged her floral crown for all the jewels that glittered in the diadem of the Assyrian sovereign. Late in the evening of that festal day Mr.

The dress that Mark had bought for Patty was the usual charting and unsuitable offering of a man's spontaneous affection, being of dark violet cloth with a wadded cape lined with satin. A little brimmed hat of violet velvet tied under her chin with silk ribbons completed the costume, and before the youthful bride and groom had left the ancestral door Mrs.

Neither of them could speak for a moment or two; she lifted her apron to wipe her eyes; Abe's lip quivered, and his eyes brimmed over; he couldn't help it, big round tears fell on his clasped hands as they rested on the table; both of them looked at the parcel. "Does the' see that?" at length said Sally; "thaa'll look loike a travelling praacher naa, lad." That broke the spell.