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Testa imperforata, trochiformis, carinata, striis minutis spiralibus ornata, pallide fusco-carnea, punctis nigris albo-occellatis sparsa; spira conica; anfractus 6 planati, ultimus carinatus, basi subplanatus; apertura oblique oblonga, intus brunnea, margine externo bisinuato; peristoma album, incrassatum, infra reflexum; columella basi rufescens. Diam. maj. 23, min. 19, alt. 21, mill.

Odonestis potatoria, sexual difference of colour in. Odour, correlation of, with colour of skin; of moths; emitted by snakes in the breeding season; of mammals. Oecanthus nivalis, difference of colour in the sexes of. Oecanthus pellucidus. Ogle, Dr. W., relation between colour and power of smell. Oidemia. Oliver, on sounds produced by Pimelia striata. Omaloplia brunnea, stridulation of.

Lastly, Westring states that in Omaloplia brunnea the rasp is placed on the pro-sternum, and the scraper on the meta-sternum, the parts thus occupying the under surface of the body, instead of the upper surface as in the Longicorns. We thus see that in the different coleopterous families the stridulating organs are wonderfully diversified in position, but not much in structure.

Westring, on the stridulation of males of Theridion; on the stridulation of Reduvius personatus; on the stridulation of beetles; on the stridulation of Omaloplia brunnea; on the stridulating organs of the Coleoptera; on sounds produced by Cychrus. Westropp, H.M., on reason in a bear; on the prevalence of certain forms of ornamentation.