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Search myself through as I may, I cannot tell when the change began, or what the change consists of, or what is the matter with me, or what charm there is in the person who does the mischief. She is the counterpart of dozens of girls; lively, brown-eyed, brown-haired, underbred it is not too harsh to say so underbred slightly; half-educated, whether quickwitted I dare not opine.

Pauline, on her return from the shore, reached the beech lane just as the Embree cows were swinging down it. Behind them came a tall, brown-haired, brown-faced girl in a neat print dress. Her hat was hung over her arm, and the low evening sunlight shone redly over her smooth glossy head.

At the call a brown-haired, brown-eyed child of seven, looking like a little fawn, sprang to the window from the outside. "My dear, will you show the sphynx to Miss Curtis?" The little girl daintily brought a box covered with net, in which a huge apple-green caterpillar, with dashes of bright colour on his sides, and a horny spike on his tail, was feasting upon tamarisk leaves.

'These were all we could procure, said the brown-haired soldier, 'and the woman would not sell her plates. The pies were rapidly divided into quarters, and the hungry party began to eat. 'It is true, said the Exceptional Pedestrian, 'that the character of the apple indicates the elevation above sea-level of the soil in which it grew.

"'It's what I came to tell ye, says he. 'Don't ye fall for the Bhean-Nimher, the serpent woman wit' the blue eyes; she's a daughter of Ivor, lad an' don't ye do nothin' to make the brown-haired coleen ashamed o' ye, Larry O'Keefe.

He'd been in the jug all the time! I dressed myself in my own clothes how strange it seemed even to the boots, and then I looked in the glass. I hadn't done that lately. I regularly started back; I didn't know myself; I came into prison a big, stout, brown-haired chap, full of life, and able to jump over a dray and bullocks almost. I did once jump clean over a pair of polers for a lark.

"Now, boys, let's go and see 'teacher' about our name," suggested the president. The barn was vacated at once, and the members of the club went down stairs as if a fire were after them, and then rushed along the lane, all heading for a cozy story-and-a-half house where "teacher" lived. "The Sunday-school teacher" was Miss Bertha Barry, brown-haired, brown-eyed, vivacious Bertha Barry.

Then his eyes shone with a light that was soft and luminous, and one seeing him then would have known that it was not a dream of gold that filled his heart, but of a brown-haired girl who had broken it. On this day, the forenoon of the sixth since the agent had departed into the north, the end of the tense period of waiting was expected.

'And now, what would you have as a reward? 'I want nothing for myself, answered Covan the Brown-haired; 'but I ask you to give me back my brothers and my sister who have been lost to us for three years past. You are wise and know the lore of fairies and of witches; tell me where I can find them, and what I must do to bring them to life again. The old man looked grave at the words of Covan.

The young soldier accompanied them back to the road. After thanking him for the information he had given them, the girls climbed into their cars and headed toward home, leaving Wesley Travers still standing in the road and looking after them thoughtfully. "A mighty nice bunch of girls," thought the latter. "Especially the little brown-haired one.