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"Will you accept my carriage?" asked Rouget. "No, brother," answered Madame Bridau, "I thank you, and wish you health and comfort." Rouget let his sister and nephew kiss him, and then he went away without manifesting any feeling himself. Baruch, at a hint from his grandfather, had been to see the postmaster.

"We can read your thoughts," answered Joseph Bridau. "There is a diabolical spirit in you that will seek to justify courses which are utterly contrary to our principles. Instead of being a sophist in theory, you will be a sophist in practice." "Ah! I am afraid of that," said d'Arthez.

Joseph Bridau grew pale as death, and collected all his strength to walk onward. "After all," he said, "I am innocent. Go on!" Poor artist! he was forced to bear his cross. Amid the hooting and insults and threats from the mob, he made the dreadful transit from the place Misere to the place Saint-Jean.

His imposing stature had taken on a certain rotundity, his face was bronzed from exposure in Texas, he was still succinct in speech, and had acquired the decisive tone of a man obliged to make himself feared among the populations of a new world. Shocked at the destitution of her cherished son, Madame Bridau bought him a complete outfit of clothes at Havre.

However, it is certainly economical, for I am not one of those to whom feather-beds give incomes; Mariette of the Grand Opera cost me fabulous sums." "Is that remark meant for me, my dear colonel?" asked Max, sending a glance at Philippe which was like a current of electricity. "Take it as you please," answered Bridau. "Colonel, my two friends here, Renard and Potel, will call to-morrow on "

The lawyer, as cold and stern as his late father, with a sharp voice, a rough skin, implacable eyes, and the visage of a fox as he licks his lips of the blood of chickens, bounded like a tiger when he heard of Giroudeau's visit and proposal. "And pray, mere Bridau," he cried, in his little cracked voice, "how long are you going to be duped by your cursed brigand of a son?

The old lady now told her granddaughter to leave her alone with Madame Bridau and Joseph until the arrival of visitors. "For," she said, turning to the Parisians, "I know my Issoudun by heart; we shall have ten or twelve batches of inquisitive folk here to-night."

"Your Excellency doesn't know to what you expose yourself," said the saucy rapin; "'facilis descensus victuali, as we say at the Black Hen." "Bridau!" exclaimed the minister, struck by a sudden thought. "Are you any relation to one of the most devoted toilers under the Empire, the head of a bureau, who fell a victim to his zeal?" "His son, monseigneur," replied Joseph, bowing.

After these words, spoken in a feverish tone, the three Bonapartists returned to the group of officers and mixed among them. Max bowed first to Bridau, who returned his bow, and the two exchanged a frigid glance. "Come, gentlemen, let us take our seats," said Potel. "And drink to the health of the Little Corporal, who is now in the paradise of heroes," cried Renard.

"Madame," said Rosalie, returning to the door of the salon, "his Excellency has ordered dinner for eight, and wants it served at six o'clock. What are we to do?" During Estelle's conference with her head-woman the two artists and Oscar looked at each other in consternation; their glances were expressive of terrible apprehension. "His Excellency! who is he?" said Joseph Bridau.