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Right so anon came in a lady on a white palfrey, and cried aloud to King Arthur, Sir, suffer me not to have this despite, for the brachet was mine that the knight led away. I may not do therewith, said the king. With this there came a knight riding all armed on a great horse, and took the lady away with him with force, and ever she cried and made great dole.

"Sir," saith the knight, "No leisure have I to abide, but at some time shall you see me again." The knights also say as much, and the King and Queen are right heavy of his departure, but they durst not press him beyond his will. He is entered into the ship, and the brachet with him. The master draweth the boat within, and so they depart and leave the castle behind.

"I shall be governed by your counsel." "Then," answered Merlin, "call Sir Gawaine, for he must bring again the white hart. Also call Sir Tor, for to him must be assigned the adventure of the knight and the brachet. As for the lady and the knight, King Pellinore must bring them, or slay the knight if he will not come."

The brachet will not leave her, but will be always on her lap, nor can she move anywhither but he followeth her.

He followed the brachet, which looked behind as it ran, as if with desire to lead him on. In time he saw before him an old manor, over whose bridge ran the dog. When Lancelot had ridden over the bridge, that shook beneath his hoofs as if it was ready to fall, he came into a great hall, where lay a dead knight whose wounds the dog was licking.

And while he was thus thinking, he heareth a brachet questing, and he cometh toward him a great pace. When he is come anigh Messire Gawain he setteth his nose to the ground and findeth a track of blood through a grassy way in the forest, and when Messire Gawain was minded to leave the way where the track of blood was, the brachet came over against him and quested.

You are accustomed to going to church at Holy Cross, aren't you?" "When me kid me go church." "You haven't gone since you grew up? They still have church there, don't they?" "Oh, Father Brachet, him have church." "Why don't you go?" Nicholas was vaguely conscious of threatened disapproval. "Me ... me must take up fish-traps." "Can't you do that another day?"

The Boy caught it, and set down the faint words: "will and bequeath to John M. Berg, Kansas City, my right and title to claim No. 11 Above, Little Minóok, Yukon Ramparts " And the voice fell away into silence. They waited a moment, and the Superior whispered: "Can you sign it?" The dull eyes opened. "Didn't I ?" Father Brachet held him up; the Boy gave him the pen and steadied the paper.

Then when Abelleus heard this, he was more afeard, and yielded him and asked mercy. I may not now, said Sir Tor, but if I should be found false of my promise; for while I would have taken you to mercy ye would none ask, but if ye had the brachet again, that was my quest. And therewith he took off his helm, and he arose and fled, and Sir Tor after him, and smote off his head quite.

"Big white cross in middle" he laid down his pipe to personate the cross "here" indicating the other side "here Mother Aloysius and the Sisters." "I thought," says Mac, "we'd be hearing of a convent convenient." "Me help Father Brachet," observed Nicholas proudly. "Me show him boys how make traps, show him girls how make mucklucks."