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"What's that?" cried Willie, the boy, his senses sharpened by the mention of danger. "It's the wind rattlin' my boat-chains," returned Chillis, smiling at the little fellow's startled looks. "Your boat-chain!" echoed his mother, not less startled. "Was it your boat that you were fastening to the hitching-post? I thought it was your horse.

"You are right," said Morgan, throwing the boat-chain around a willow and letting the oars float idly beside the boat. Then, taking Amelie in his arms, he said, "You were right, my Amelie. Oh! blind weak beings! It is at the very moment that happiness knocks at our door that we despair and doubt." "Oh, speak, speak!" said Amelie, "tell me what has happened."

The next minute as they moved forward the head of the stone steps was reached, lying in the darkness of the clouded night nearly hidden by a great overhanging willow, whose pensile twigs brushed the roof of the waterside summer-house supported upon slimy water-worn piles, to one of which the boat-chain was attached, the rusty iron creaking faintly against the ring-bolt as the skiff swung softly to and fro, influenced by the swift stream.

"You can be sure I wouldn't have got into the sloppy old thing, if I had." "Go 'long, chile!" spoke Jennie, scornfully. "It wouldn't matter to you whose boat it was. Your appreciation of personal property is warped." "Nasty thing!" snapped Cora. "Just so," returned Jennie. "Come on, Nance. We'll get a padlock for our boat-chain to-morrow."

Many of the lights dispersed to the right and left, others moved down to the river side. There was the sound of foot-falls on the bottom of a boat and the splashing of oars. Someone called out: "Wai ... ait ... Mitri ... ich!" There was a clanking of iron a boat-chain; then stillness. Only the lights showed that the boat had been launched into the middle of the river and was floating down stream.

"He cannot leave the island, madam," said Dryfesdale, interfering; "I have the key of the boat-chain." But two or three voices of those who pursued from curiosity, or command of their mistress, exclaimed from below, that he had cast himself into the lake. "Brave Douglas still!" exclaimed the Queen "Oh, true and noble heart, that prefers death to imprisonment!"

"Come on, Bob," whispered Dexter; and he let himself slide down into the muddy water as silently as he could, and began to tumble the bundles of reeds off into the creek. Bob followed his example, and, to their great delight, they found that the sculls and boat-hook were still in their places, while the boat-chain was secured to a stake thrust down into the mud.