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The soft glowing young forms in the clear warm water, the glimmering of the open fire, the splashing and jubileering of the children in their unspeakable comfort, their innocent sport one with another in the peaceful little lake of the bath, in which they had no fear of raising stormy waves; nay, even Brigitta's happy face, under her white cap, her lively activity, amid the continual phrases of "best-beloved," "little alabaster arm," "alabaster foot," "lily-of-the-valley bosom," and such like, whilst over the lily-of-the-valley bosom, and the alabaster arm, she spread soap-foam scarcely less white, or wrapped them in snowy cloths, out of which nothing but little lively, glowing, merry faces peeped and played with one another at bo-peep all this united to present a picture full of life and pleasure.

You go home to your mother now, and tell her that her Bo-peep will be in as usual to tea; and you, little girl, may as well make yourself scarce at that hour. Here's a sovereign for you. Go and have a jolly time somewhere." "Oh, Mr. Martin, I" began Maggie, her face crimson. "You had best not put on airs," said Martin; and Maggie slipped the sovereign into her pocket.

At the word "sleep" Johnny screamed out, "No, no!" and thrust his fat knuckles into his eyes, while he tried to sit up straight in Polly's lap. "There, there," cried Polly soothingly, "now fly back, little bird, into your nest." Johnny showed all the small white teeth he possessed, in a gleeful laugh, and burrowed deeper than before within the kind arm as he tried to play "Bo-peep" with her.

Bethink you, my lord, how necessary is this rod of mine to fright away all those listeners, who else would play at bo-peep with the honourable council, and be searching for keyholes and crannies in the door of the chamber, so as to render my staff as needful as a fly-flap in a butcher's shop."

She was beginning to cry again, when the same old woman she had before met came hobbling to her side and asked, "What are you doing with my cat tails?" "Your cat tails!" replied Bo-Peep, in surprise; "what do you mean?" "Why, these tails are all cut from white pussycats, and I put them on the tree to dry. What are you doing with them?"

Little Bo-Peep and Little Boy Blue were seen to weep together and to confide in each other the fear that they would some day have to return to the folds to find that the wolves had become much larger and more ferocious than they had even been before.

For to tell the truth, I was heartily tired of lurking and playing bo-peep so long; to which nothing could have reconciled me, except my fear for Lorna. And here I saw was a man of strength fit for me to encounter, such as I had never met, but would be glad to meet with; having found no man of late who needed not my mercy at wrestling, or at single-stick.

Then, if at the end of that time she turns out what I hope she will, I will make her an accountant in the shop; it will be a first-rate post for her, and I am sure, from the way she talks, she has a splendid head for business. Now, what do you say to that, Little-sing?" "I say there never was your like, Bo-peep." Mr. Martin rubbed his hands. "Thought you'd be pleased," he said.

Martin looked intensely nervous. A bright spot of color came into her left cheek. Her right cheek was deadly pale. "I I cannot help it," she said. "I never meant Bo-peep to go; I never wished him to go. But he said, 'Little-sing, I will go' I I forgot myself of course you don't understand. He is a very good husband to me, but he and Maggie never get on."

'Is it because it's a sign of rain, and he needn't look after the sheep, but can go fast asleep like little Bo-peep or was it little Boy Blue if he likes? 'For you, I'll try to find out; but I'm ashamed to say I know very little of natural history or machinery, or lots of other interesting things. And, what's far worse, I don't even want to know any more.