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Updated: August 1, 2024

And thereupon he declared that now he had earned another glass of schnapps, and would Mistress Lorna mix it for him? I was amazed at his impudence; and Annie, who thought this her business, did not look best pleased; and I hoped that Lorna would tell him at once to go and do it for himself.

Master Ramsack told me that Lorna was there almost every Sunday; their Majesties being most anxious to have the presence of all the nobility of the Catholic persuasion, so as to make a goodly show. And the worthy furrier, having influence with the door-keepers, kindly obtained admittance for me, one Sunday, into the antechamber.

But the reading of "Lorna Doone" calls to my mind, and very vividly, an original artistic principle of which English romance writers are either strangely ignorant or neglectful, viz., that the sublimation of the dramatis personæ and the deeds in which they are involved must correspond, and their relationship should remain unimpaired.

Now Lorna had not the smallest idea of ever being converted. She said that she loved me truly, but wanted not to convert me; and if I loved her equally, why should I wish to convert her? With this I was tolerably content, not seeing so very much difference between a creed and a credo, and believing God to be our Father, in Latin as well as English.

'Much gratitude you have shown, replied Lorna, 'to Master Ridd, for all his kindness and his goodness to you. Who was it that went down, at the peril of his life, and brought your father to you, when you had lost him for months and months? Who was it? Answer me, Gwenny? 'Girt Jan Ridd, said the handmaid, very sulkily.

Therefore I rushed out at once, as if shot-guns were unknown yet; not from any real courage, but from prisoned love burst forth. I know not whether my own Lorna was afraid of what I looked, or what I might say to her, or of her own thoughts of me; all I know is that she looked frightened, when I hoped for gladness.

For, of course, I knew what a churl I was compared to her birth and appearance; but meanwhile I might improve myself and learn a musical instrument. 'The wind hath a draw after flying straw' is a saying we have in Devonshire, made, peradventure, by somebody who had seen the ways of women. 'Mistress Lorna, I will depart' mark you, I thought that a powerful word 'in fear of causing disquiet.

"I know you gave up John to help me with August. I know you mean to break off everything. Oh, Lorna, you mustn't you mustn't." "Don't talk nonsense," was Susan's unsatisfactory reply. When it came down to the last embrace and the last kiss, Etta did feel through Susan's lips and close encircling arms a something that dried up her hysterical tears and filled her heart with an awful aching.

There was Lorna, my love and life, bound by her duty to that old vil nay, I mean to her good grandfather, who could now do little mischief, and therefore deserved all praise Lorna bound, at any rate, by her womanly feelings, if not by sense of duty, to remain in the thick danger, with nobody to protect her, but everybody to covet her, for beauty and position.

Hence, and from many other causes part of which was my own pride it happened that I abode in London betwixt a month and five weeks' time, ere ever I saw Lorna. For God's sake show a little pity, though you may not feel it." Such behaviour might be comely in a love-lorn boy, a page to some grand princess; but I, John Ridd, would never stoop to the lowering of love so.

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