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To outer darkness also, though a milder destiny had been intended them at first, went Anton Ulrich and his Household. Unluckier Household, which once seemed the luckiest of the world, was never known. This is the Chetardie-L'Estoc conspiracy, of 5th December, 1741; the pitching up of Princess Elizabeth, and the pitching down of Anton Ulrich and his Munnichs, who had before pitched Bieren down.

Friday, 18th November, Munnich had, by invitation, to dine with Duke Bieren; Munnich went accordingly that day, and dined; Duke looking a little flurried, they say: and the same evening, dinner being quite over, and midnight come, Munnich had his measures all taken, soldiers ready, warrant in hand; and arrested Bieren in his bed; mere Siberia, before sunrise, looming upon Bieren.

At last, being often importuned, she answered plainly, 'I almost feel convinced thou wilt never come back! Protestations from the Fraulein were not wanting: 'Well then, said Elizabeth, 'if thou art so sure of it, leave me thy jewels in pledge. Elizabeth, as Princess and as Czarina, was alike deaf on that subject. The new Czarina was not unmerciful. Whither Bieren had preceded them.

Supreme Munnich had lasted about four months; Supreme Bieren hardly three weeks; and Siberia is still agape.

Bieren her dear Courlander, once little better than a Horse-groom, now Duke of Courland, Quasi-Husband to the late Big Cheek, and thereby sovereign of Russia, this long while past, is left Official Head in Russia.

The big Widow discovered that he did not like Westphalia hams in that particular form; that he only pretended to like them; upon which, in just indignation, she disowned and dismissed him; and falling herself to be Czarina not long afterwards, and taking Bieren the Courlander for her beloved, she made Bieren Duke, and Courland became impossible for Count Maurice.

Poor little Anton Ulrich and his august Spouse, well enough known to us, have indeed produced a Czar Iwan, some months ago, to the joy of mankind: but Czar Iwan is in his cradle: Father and Mother's function is little other than to rock the cradle of Iwan; Bieren to be Regent and Autocrat over him and them in the interim.

Never was such a change as this from 18th day to 19th with a supreme Bieren.

Such had been the truculent insatiable Bieren's demand on his Czarina. 'You are running on your destruction, said she, with tears; but complied, as she had been wont. These two, will they side with Prussia, will they side with Austria? It was hardly worth inquiry, had not Fortune's wheel made suddenly a great cant, and pitched them to the top, for the time being. "Bieren lasted only twenty days.