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We be all a-sailin', been't we?" said Aunt Electry, who was ninety years old, lighting her pipe; "only I wish 't some 't 's sailin' solitary had mates 't 's fit for 'em how is Vesty?" "I don't know," I began, afflicted with a sort of lightness of head. I wanted to take out Uncle Benny's pocket-mirror that I carried with me now. Was I beautiful, and tall, and fair? What had happened me!

Now then " as Darvil spoke he seized his daughter in his arms; threw over her a shawl and a cloak that lay at hand, and was already on the threshold. "I don't half like it," said Walters, grumblingly "it been't safe." "At least it is as safe as murder!" answered Darvil, turning round, with a ghastly grin. "Make haste."

"Bless me if it ain't!" shouted Susan in amazement. "It's Sandy's wee creepity woman!" The queen smiled when she saw them. She reached out her hands and patted theirs in turn, asking, "Now what is your name, dearie?" "Are ye sure ye're the queen?" gasped Bridget. "Maybe I am and maybe I'm not," was the answer. "Then ye been't the wee gray woman back yonder?" asked Sandy.

"Where does he live?" interrupted I. "Not above twelve miles off." "Is he alive?" "Ay, if he been't dead since Candlemas." At first I thought of writing to this man; but afterwards, being afraid of committing myself by writing, I went to him: he had long before this time left off business, and had retired to enjoy his fortune in the decline of life.

Now then " as Darvil spoke he seized his daughter in his arms; threw over her a shawl and a cloak that lay at hand, and was already on the threshold. "I don't half like it," said Walters, grumblingly "it been't safe." "At least it is as safe as murder!" answered Darvil, turning round, with a ghastly grin. "Make haste."