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This done, he dismounted and took Kay's shield and spear, and bade his dwarf take his horse. All this was observed by the damsel, and also by Lancelot, who had followed closely upon the track of the seneschal. "Now, Sir Lancelot, I am ready to accept your offer to knight me," said Beaumains, "but, first, I would prove myself worthy of the honor, and so will joust with you, if you consent."

To this they consented, but as they sat at supper the damsel continued to berate her champion, in such language that their host marvelled at the meekness of the knight. In the morning the red knight came to Beaumains with his followers, and proffered to him his homage and fealty at all times.

"My Lord Persant of India," said Linet, "will you not make this gentleman a knight before he meets this dread warrior?" "With all my heart," answered Persant. "I thank you for your good will," said Beaumains, "but I have been already knighted, and that by the hand of Sir Lancelot." "You could have had the honor from no more renowned knight," answered Persant.

"I know him well," said Sir Perseant, "for the most perilous knight alive a man without mercy, and with the strength of seven men. God save thee, Sir Beaumains, from him! and enable thee to overcome him, for the Lady Lyones, whom he besiegeth, is as fair a lady as there liveth in this world."

I will fight him as he is, or not at all, and Beaumains blew such a blast that it rang through the castle. And the Red Knight buckled on his armour, and came to where Beaumains stood.

Fie on thee, kitchen knave, wilt thou finish mine adventure? thou shalt anon be met withal, that thou wouldest not for all the broth that ever thou suppest once look him in the face. I shall assay, said Beaumains. So thus as they rode in the wood, there came a man flying all that ever he might. Whither wilt thou? said Beaumains.

He took the rascals unawares, and they had no heart. They were but sorrier knaves than he is. 'Well, said the knight, 'since you mislike him so, he shall sit with me, and you shall sit alone. So it was done, and while the lady sat eating her meal in chilly silence at one table, Beaumains and the knight, his host, laughed and talked merrily over their dinner at another.

And then when Sir Beaumains' helm was off, he looked up to the window, and there he saw the fair lady Dame Lionesse, and she made him such countenance that his heart waxed light and jolly; and therewith he bade the Red Knight of the Red Launds make him ready, and let us do the battle to the utterance.

This the Knight of the Red Lawns had hung there, in order that any errant knight, who wished to battle for the castle, might summons him to the fray. "But let me warn you," said Linet, "not to blow it till noon. For it is now nearly day, and men say that his strength increases till the noontide hour. To blow it now would double your peril." "Do not advise me thus, fair damsel," said Beaumains.

But the green knight stayed not to answer, and they hurtled together, and clashed midway as if it were thunder. And Beaumains' stroke was so mighty that both the green knight and his horse fell to the ground. Swiftly the green knight rose to his feet, and then, Beaumains having alighted, they rushed together with their swords, and stood a long time hacking, thrusting and parrying.